Chapter 9.3

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Chapter 9.3

Beastman 23 vs Team Infinity Part 2

23 watched as Maria pulled out of the fight, now circling to his right. He smiled inwardly, thinking about how they still had not figured out he was an intelligent being. They thought they could trick him into letting his guard down. They were dead wrong

23 decided to play along with the girls little plan. They couldn’t hurt him after all. So, as Maria pulled off, he pretended to lose all interest in her, concentrating his attacks on Rose. He swiped his big arm at her, trying to slash her head off.

Rose saw the gleaming claws racing towards her from the right. She quickly rolled to the left, dodging the attack as it pasted above her head. Rose got to her feet and as she did, made 5 quick jabs at 23’s abdomen area with Isiden. All 5 strikes hit their mark and small red lines appeared on 23’s stomach.

23 let out a low growl, which sounded more like he was annoyed at Rose then angry. He grabbed at her spear pulling her close once he did.

‘So you still think that I’m a mindless beast. Fools, ignorance shall be the cause of your downfall’, 23 said in a low, raspy voice once he was face to face with Rose.

‘Wha….You can…talk?’

‘Yes…..and I’m not a ‘dumbass’ like you think either …’, 23 repeated, swiping his tail to knock Maria back, who was trying to attack him from behind, slamming her against a tree.

‘Gyaah!’, Maria cried as the pain from the impact began registering itself in her brain.

‘Pathetic….did you really think such a trivial trick like that would work against me?’, 23 asked as he pulled Rose closer to him, closing the gap between their face to a few centimeters.

‘Geh…’, Rose was immediately hit by 23’s revolting breath.  It caused her to reel back a bit.

‘Get some mouth wash. Your breath stinks’, Rose covered her mouth with her right hand, swatting at the air with her left hand, trying to hide her fear from 23.

‘Heh, trying to act brave are we? I really love people with your attitude, hiding their fear behind a false mask of bravery….i ‘love’ to make them scream in terror as I slowly show them death. After which I ‘love’ to rip out their hearts and eat it whole….Let’s see how long you’ll last, shall we?’, 23 threatened menacingly, a vicious smile appearing on his scaly face as he raised his right hand over his head, preparing to deal a deadly strike.


23 turned around to see Maria charging at him again, blade aimed at his face. He tossed Rose against a tree, temporarily stunning her. After which, 23 brought his left arm up to block the attack. The sword collided with his hand, the impact shaking him a bit. In that moment, Maria kicked at his stomach again.

But she was just slightly of target, hitting the hard scales instead of the soft muscle.

‘Gah!’, Maria cried from the pain caused from kicking the scales which were tough as iron.

She disengaged from 23 and tried to back off. But the pain from her leg was too much to bear, causing her to stumble and fall backwards.

‘HAHAHAHA! Is that all you’ve got little girl? If it is then killing you will be a waste of my time’, 23 said as he slowly made his way towards Maria, who was trying to crawl away from 23.

‘No! Stay away from me!’, Maria cried, pointing her rapier at 23.

But it was useless. Maria was shaking all over. Her fear had taken over. Now she watched as 23 moved forward, the form of death flowing around him as he approached. Maria began crying.

‘No….It can’t end like this….i don’t want to die….i want….i want…..’, Maria mumbled, her words coming out muffled due to her tears.

23 stopped in front of Maria, looking down at his trembling foe.

‘What a pathetic excuse for a fighter! I thought you would last longer….guess I was mistaken, you’re not that brave after all… would be a waste to kill you with my claws, so I think I’ll just bite your head off…..’, he mocked as he opened his mouth, slowly bringing it down on the now petrified Maria’s head.

‘No! Stay Away! Please…..’, Maria begged as she watched the rows of razor sharp teeth descending around her head.

‘….Somebody… me…..i don’t want to die’, Maria mumbled, closing her eyes.

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