Chapter 19.9

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Chapter 19.9

Purpose to his Declaration

‘Hey Sevan…I’m gonna do it, you know that right?’

Sevan’s laughter came to an abrupt halt due to the question asked to him by Crown, who still had that ridiculously calm smile on his face. The corner of his lips lifted to form a small smirk as Sevan let his eyes meet those of the young lad before him. As the light silver eyes of Sevan’s met those of Crown, a disturbing chill ran down the spine of the veteran. Sevan’s eyes began to widen as the chill set itself into his very being, memories from days of past resurfacing into his mind.

‘Ngh...UGAH!’, Sevan cried out in pain as he fell to one knee, the overwhelming thoughts causing the old warrior’s body to shake in both fear and excitement for he knew that the boy in front of them had some link to these memories.

‘Master! Are you alright Master?!’

Sevan could hear Jun Hong yelling to him before the feeling of two small capsules against his tongue brought him back from his thoughts. He immediately swallows the capsules as Jun Hong moves his hand away from Sevan’s mouth, assisting his master in getting back to his feet.

‘This boy…who is he?’, Sevan ponders as he looks back at Crown, who was still standing in a relaxed position with his hands in his pockets while he smiled at Sevan.

‘…I need to know something boy. You say you’ll end this war through a non violent method even when we veterans have given up hope on that ever happening…why?’

‘Emilie….’, Arthur looks at his wife as he called her name softly, a look of pure confusion on his face as to why she had asked Crown this question and at such a tense moment as well.

‘Shush my dear…I believe that we as well as Sevan need to hear his reply….That and I have a haunting feeling that his reply will help us solve the mystery to who he really it’, Emilie replied to her stunned husband before her gaze fell on to her daughter, Angela Lockhart.

‘Plus…I feel that this will somehow effect our Angela as well…whether we like it or not’

Angela watched the young male with curious eyes as he looked at her mother, the look on his face telling her that he already had the answer ready and waiting incase such a question would be asked. But this man intrigued Angela, from the way he walked to the way he fought. It should have been irritating her to no end, was what she thought as she ran her gaze of his body.

‘But why…Why do I not feel the anger and irritation I was feeling a while ago?’, Angela asks herself before her full attention was drawn back to Crown who seemed to be about ready to answer Emilie.

‘So you wanna know why I want to do that huh Ma’am?’

Emilie’s right brow arched slightly at the question that was asked by Crown, before giving him a small nod, to which the young Lieutenant responded to with a nod of his own.

‘And you too huh old man’, Crown threw his question towards Sevan, basing it off the weird look he was getting from the said person.

‘Hmph…Not that it matters much to me, but yes. I am slightly interested in finding out why you want to do this’, Sevan replied in a rather haughty manner, hiding his true interest in the matter from Crown rather well.

Crown merely keeps the smile from before as he gives Sevan a quick nod before glancing back at Angela.

‘I’m guessing you want to know too huh?’, He asks her before a light chuckle leaves his lips when the vampire teen folds her arms under the curves of her breasts and looks away from him, an unintentional pout forming on her face.

‘I’ll take that as a maybe’, Crown replied to her before turning to look at Rick.

‘Don’t ask…Just reply them already’, the red head growled out even before Crown’s face fully turned to him.

Crown lets out a soft laugh to the reply from rick before he does as he’s told and faces the members of The Order as well as those of The Legion.

‘Alright then. My reason is simple. I want to end the fighting. End the madness. For the simple reason that it is all pointless. I mean seriously! You!..’, He pauses as he points to Sevan, ‘Started this bloody war for reasons that are STILL unknown. You went berserk and killed EVERYBODY from the research and development team you worked for and then just fucking went after the U.N. And then there’s you guys’, Crown paused again as he turned his attention to the members of The Legion.

‘I was expecting you guys to take a more thought out approach to this, but instead a bunch of you went against the words of then leader, I.Gurusen, and the in charge at that time, G Anandan, and retaliated against Martin Sevan and The Order. Your actions made things worse…..’, Crown huffs out as he moves his right hand to his face to rub his temples, taking a few minutes to let his words sink in before continuing. 

‘You made a big mistake Sevan. And when the time came to clean up your acts both sides missed it. You know when I’m talking about. That day 10 years back. If both side had put aside their pride and selfishness and signed that peace treaty for the greater good of the people countless of lives, millions of families, bounties of resources, all of these could have been prevented from being wasted. We won’t make that same mistake. What you couldn’t make happen then, we will…This is what I stand for. This is why I fight. For a better tomorrow’, Crown ended his speech, giving the floor back to the older war veterans, who were looking at the young male with mixed emotions.

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