Chapter 16.1

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Chapter 16.1


‘Dammit! How the fuck did they find me?!’, Rick cursed as her ran past the classrooms on the fourth floor, pushing down trash cans and darting into small places to try to lose his pursuers.

As he ran down the hallways leading to the staircases to the main wing of the school, Rick could hear the pursuing footsteps behind him as well as the sound of the makeshift blockades he had spun along the path getting kicked or broken by his pursuers.

The sound of heavy metal breaking could be heard through the large hallway as Elisa broke past another trash can that Rick had tumbled on to the concrete floor.

‘Damn how many of these things did he tip over?’, Elisa asked Maria as they ran full speed after their criminal cousin, followed closely by the Student council members, Taylor and Clade, as well as Hana.

‘I don’t know Elisa. Just keep them out of the way’, Maria replied as she ran a few steps behind her sister, careful to stay out of the bluenette’s way.

‘Yes Ma’am!’, Elisa cheered happily as she smashed through a ladder using her enhanced strength, thanks to her bear animal spirit.

‘Taylor. Are the others going to make it?’, Maria questioned Taylor, who was keeping eye on a GPS tracker as he ran.

The group had decided to split into two teams, one consisting of Elisa, Maria, Taylor, Clade and Hana and the other consisting of Helena, Rose, Daisuke and the remaining members of Hana’s team and the Student Council.

‘They’re currently heading along the hallway below us and if they keep at the pace they’re going we’ll be able to corner him on the steps’, Taylor informed, eyes gleaming slightly as an animal like instinct took over him, the thoughts of tearing the young dark haired man running from him constantly replaying in his head.

‘That’s good…Time to end this then’, Maria replies to him, mumbling the last part to herself alone.

She didn’t want to believe it. Even up till that point, when they were chasing Rick down, Maria didn’t want to believe that he was actually working for The Order. It just didn’t sink into her mind. It couldn’t. But she had to put her duty to her country and school first is this situation and not her feelings. So for that reason alone, Rick had to be taken into custody.

‘We’re almost at the staircase girls’, Taylor yells as they take a right turn at the end of the pathway, the gap between Rick and them closing slightly.

Maria nods slightly as she glances back at Taylor before looking back at Rick, who had already began his decent into the trap they had set for him.

‘Almost…almost…’, Rick thinks to himself as he reaches the stairs that would lead him to the bottom floor and from where he could make his escape out of the building.

He throws a quick glance back at his pursuers, smiling slyly when he sees that they were still far behind him. He turns back and begins to descend down the stairs two steps at a time.


He stops mid-way down the second flight of stairs, his path blocked by his sisters, Rosa and Helena, as well as the other members of the second group.

‘Shit’, Rick cursed under his breath as he glances back up, hoping he could still retrace his steps.

But his retreat back up had been cut off by the first group, now lead by Maria who cautiously approached him.

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