Chapter 19.11

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Chapter 19.11

General of the Army

‘….Say what?’

Rick raised his brow slightly as he looks back at Crown, who had a look of total disbelief and worry on his face.


‘Not funny X! What do you mean my dad in is the school!?’, Crown snapped at Rick, clearly worried about something with these sudden situation that he was in.

‘Dude what’s the problem, he’s your old man.’

‘What’s the problem!? WHAT’S THE PROBLEM!? Look at me X!’, Crown yelled as he motioned to the three healing wounds on his arms.

‘He sees like this and he’s gonna flip! And that’s the last thing I need right now! Where the hell is he?!’, Crown questioned as he was watched by the hundreds of stunned students and soldiers, who were now clearly interested to find out who the two were talking about.

Suddenly, as if on cue, the doors of the main building swung open as an overwhelmingly powerful aura surrounded the entire main courtyard, sending spine tingling chills up everyone’s spines. The aura was one that clearly out powered anyone’s there, one of a man who commanded the respect of the members of the Legion and the fear of The Order. Sevan didn’t even need to turn to look at the man, who slowly made his way to stand in the center of the gap between the two sides.

The man had a medium brown skin complexion that was similar to Crowns, as well as the same caramel brown eyes and hair. He had a mustaches and goatee that complimented his chiseled featured well and his war hardened body was outlined well under that pale gray suit with matching pants that he wore. The eyes of the male scanned the crowd of students in front of him before turning to face Sevan, who was looking at him with a stunned expression.

‘A-Anandan? You really were here?’, Sevan mumbles out when his voice finally returns to him, receiving a light chuckle as well as a nod from the leader of The Legion, G Anandan.

‘Didn’t I tell you he was here Sevan?’, the voice of Arthur taunts Sevan as the man walked up beside his friend, lightly patting his back as he gave him one of his more friendlier smiles.

‘Hmm….Seems he wanted physical proof more than just a verbal remark old friend. As always he only believed what he saw’, Anandan said to his friend and partner, almost as if he was defending Sevan.

‘Anandan what took you so long?’

Anandan let out a soft chuckle as he turns to face his comrades from The Legion, some of whom were glad to seem, other who were also glad but were clearly hiding their joy behind serious faces.

‘Mhmm, sorry Kinuyo, had some work to take care of’, Anandan replied to the orange haired woman before walking over and giving her a friendly embrace.

‘Yes but we still need to thank you for sending us some protection in case things went sour…by the way they both performed remarkably Anand’, Emelia added as she let out a soft giggle, motioning to Anandan to look at his two Taskforce members when he gave her a confused look.

Anandan’s gaze once again swept over the faces of the students, a warm smile on his face when he sees the looks of relief and gratefulness in the eyes of those he had toiled so hard to protect over the years.

‘Yes…It was definitely worth it’, He thinks to himself before his eyes moved to the spot where the young brown haired male, who was frantically trying to heal the three wounds on his arm, was standing.

When his attention was finally caught by Crown, who now had Rick beside him to help him with his healing and a confused Angela watching the two from right behind them, Anandan’s eyes widened immediately.

‘Devan boy?! What are you doing here? And why are you injured?!’

Curious looks now formed on the faces of the members from both The Legion and The Order, who looked between Crown and Anandan. Eventually, it was Arthur who realized it first, the familiar name that had been mumbled by his daughter mere minutes ago.

‘No…It can’t…be…’, he mumbles out as a small smile came to his face, as did it to the faces of the other Legion members as they watched the young male looks up at Anandan with a sheepish smile.


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