Chapter 4.3

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Aftermath at Rakkenhima

Back at Rakkenhima High, word had gotten around the school of The King’s appearance during the attack on the school. It had become a hot topic and everyone was talking about his heroics and how he had single handedly beaten The Order invaders and saved the 4th year students. Also, on a lesser note, rumors were also flying on how Maria had actually tried to talk back against The King and had been put down by him in front of all the fourth years and how she was actually ‘tsun’ for him. This did not sit well with the Rank B paladin.

‘I can’t believe this…..i mean me? And HIM?!... My god, who was the one who spread this rumor’, Maria raged as the 4 girls were walking towards their class.

‘I’m not sure Maria-san. I mean it just suddenly popped out’, Rose answered as she walked behind the enraged Maria, trying not to piss her of anymore.

‘Come on Maria-san, it’s not so bad. I mean he is the most sought after guy in the world and to be said to be with him could have some benefits’, Helena said as she walked beside Maria, trying to calm her down.

‘Not so bad my ass. You know what would happen if Rick-kun heard about this. I mean…..our relationship is already so strained.  And this rumor will defiantly erase all chance of getting him to fall for me, if he heard it’, Maria whined as they kept on walking.

This caused Helena’s temper to rise slightly. But she kept quiet so as to not aggravate Maria any further.

‘Maria-Onee chan I don’t think Rick-san will actually give a damn’, Elisa blutered out before Rose covered her mouth.

Elisa’s words caused Maria to immediately stop, which worried Helena and Rose. But they were completely shocked by what she said next.

‘You know what I think your right Elisa-chan. Hell, I’m sure Rick won’t believe such a blatant lie no matter who tells it to him’, Maria said as her temper began to subside, not realizing that she had completely misinterpreting what Elisa had actually meant.  

Maria and her group walked into the classroom, by which time Maria had a smile on her face thanks to her sister’s words. The minute they stepped into their class they realized that all the girls were looking in their direction, a killing intent in their eyes. It didn’t take them long to realize that all the looks were actually directed towards Maria.

‘Well, well….if it isn’t class president Maria-chan. Heard that you and King-sama had……a little ‘moment’ last week,’ said one of Maria’s classmates who had long black hair tied into two ponytails and hazel brown eyes .Her name was Hana White, a Rank B paladin and self-proclaimed rival of Maria who had transferred from Britain a year ago.

‘Hana-chan knock it off’, Maria said before making her way to her seat, only to be blocked by Hana and her posse.

‘Sorry Maria-chan but I’m going to have to decline that request’, Hana replied as she stepped forward.

‘You know Maria I didn’t think you would jump at King-sama so easily, after saying all you’ve said about him. What was it that made you develop feelings for him, hmmm? Was it his looks? His toned body? Or maybe….. it could have been his….’

‘THAT’S ENOUGH HANA-CHAN’, Maria yelled, anger and irritation rising.

‘Maria-chan calm down’, Helena pleaded as she held her friend back.

‘chch….Temper, temper. Maria-chan, why are you getting so angry? Is it because I’m right? I wonder how Rick-san would feel when he hears about this. I’m sure he’ll be saddened by it ’, Hana said tauntingly as she backed off slightly, careful in not getting within Maria’s range.

‘You’re wrong Hana-chan. Rick-Kun won’t give a damn about it’, Elisa repeated what she said earlier, Rose coming to shut her up again.

‘HAHAHAH….yes I guess you’re right…But Maria-chan I really have to tell you something’, Hana continued as she sat on top one of the tables, crossing her legs and giving of her queenly air.

‘Don’t you dare get close to King-sama again. I’m the only one in this class, no…..IN THIS SCHOOL…..who deserves to be with him. And if I hear such rumors again……I’ll kill you’ Hana threathened, shooting Maria a murderous stare.

Maria just shook it off. She walked up to Hana, causing her to get to her feet.

‘Listen up Hana….I don’t give a damn about you and I defiantly don’t give a damn about that bastard King! So I suggest you stop making up things in your head and think about how to better yourself. Is that clear?’, Maria said, menacingly.

‘Hey both of you….calm down’, Daisuke intervened, trying to stop a fight from breaking out.

‘Stay out of this Daisuke-san!’, Hana said

‘Hey! Don’t talk to Daisuke-san like that’, Maria rebutted, stepping forward intimidatingly.

As both Hana and Maria stood, face to face, ready to attack, their teacher Yukio Kami walked in.

‘And what seems to be the problem here’, she asked as she saw two of her top students getting ready to lock horns in her classroom.

The second they heard Yukio-sensei’s voice, both Maria and Hana backed off from each other. They were strong but not stupid and they knew that neither one of them wanted to face Yukio-sensei’s wrath.

‘Nothing….Yukio-sen..sensei. We were…. just having a little discussion’, Maria stuttered, trying to hide her fear from the Rank S paladin.

‘I see…well then if you lot are finished, can you return to your seats so I can start the lesson’, Yukio-sensei asked giving them a sweet smile, while a malicious aura which didn’t fit her smiling face flowed from her.

All the students immediately got back to their seats afraid of enraging their teacher.

As Maria listened to Yukio-sensei’s lecture on the different types of primary elementals, her mind started to wander off towards the battle a few days ago. For some strange reasons her thoughts were wrapped around the King and why he felt so familiar to her. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn’t stop thinking about him, which irritated her to no end.

‘Why does he keep popping back into my head?! I hate him but for some strange reason I can’t get him of my mind’, Maria thought to herself, taking notes as she did.

‘And why is it that I feel like I know him? Like I’ve met him somewhere before’, she thought looking out of the window at the clear blue sky.

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