Chapter 11.9

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Chapter 11.9

Package secure

‘*Sigh*……Guess we have no other choice….’, King mumbled as he walked up to Maria.

‘Huh? King......Wait!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!’, Maria screamed out as King walked over to her, picked her up and tossed her over his right shoulder.

‘Carrying you…..Be grateful’, King answered, nonchalantly, before walking towards the cave entrance.

Maria face was now as red as a tomato, mostly for two reasons. One, she was being carried like a sack of potatoes on the shoulders of a guy she barely knew. And two, he had his right arm over the back of her thighs while her boobs pressed against his back. Very awkward situation.

‘KING!’, Maria yelled as she tried to squirm out of his grasp, failing completely as the King had her in a very good hold.

‘Stop squirming will ya. I don’t like this any more than you do….’, King told Maria, tightening his grip on the back of her legs.

‘Then why are you doing it!?’, Maria screamed angrily, tears forming at the corner of her eyes due to her embarrassing situation.

‘…..Because there’s no way in hell I’m gonna leave you here to die. I promise I’ll protect you…. no matter what’, King replied without thinking, a strange sense of determination in his voice.

When she heard him say this Maria stopped her squirming, turning her head to look at King with a surprised expression plastered on her face.

‘King? What did you say…..’, Maria asked, a small smile forming on her face to replace her flustered look.

‘Uh…Well uh….Nothing’, King stuttered, his cheeks turning red now that he finally began realizing he had said something corny.

‘Nothing?! Why, I’m pretty sure you said something like not letting me die or protecting me no matter what! Am I right’, Maria questioned, saying it teasingly to get King to blush more.

‘Uhm…Nooo…..I said that Ryder would probably…uh…kick my ass for leaving you here….Yeah! That’s it! That’s exactly what I said’, King fibbed, turning his head to the front so Maria couldn’t see his red face.

‘….You’re a really bad liar, you know that?’, Maria commented, letting out a soft laugh when she saw King’s face turn redder.

‘Dammit!’, King cursed underneath his breath.

‘What…’, Maria asked in a cute child-like voice to further taunt The King, not wanting to miss a chance to see a cuter side of her protector.

‘…..Nothing’, King replied as he let out a loud sigh.

‘Hmmm, alright then since you say that Ryder’s gonna kick your ass if you don’t get me to the LZ in one piece, I guess it’s ok that you carry me like this’, Maria proclaimed, a proud air in her voice, happy that she had successfully gotten some retribution.

‘Yeah, yeah’, King complied, not in the mood to argue with her.

‘Good…..And also King, don’t get any funny ideas while you’re carrying me. Remember, keep your hands exactly where they are right now and don’t dare move them. Or else I’m gonna tell my father that you molested me’, Maria added, threatening and teasing the King with her warning.

As he stepped out into the dense jungle, King’s cheeky side took over due to Maria’s last comment. His lips formed into one of his usual cruel smiles as he moved his hands from Maria’s thighs to her butt.

‘Oh really?’, King asked, as he lightly spanked Maria on her ass.

‘Yes, really…..Eeep! KING!’, Maria cried out when she felt the small but sharp pain from King’s spank. She turned her head to give King an angry glare.

‘Hmmm…’, King breathed, turning his head slightly to the left so that Maria could see the cruel smile on his face and the killer intent in his eyes.

‘Um...Nothing….Sorry…’, Maria apologized, knowing that it wasn’t a good idea to blurt out anything due to her anger at that moment.

‘That’s what I thought’, King sang, turning his head back to face the trees and bushes in front of him.

‘Well then…let’s go’

King looked back one more time at the cave before taking the first step back into the jungle of nightmares.

‘Thanking you for your protection for the night’, King said softly, giving a quick bow for thanks.

As King walked out of the cave, pushing the vines that were growing down from the top of the entrance, he took a quick look at his wristwatch. His silver digital watch showed that it was 7.30 a.m. King though back to his mission brief with Crown and remembered his partner saying he would be doing something on that day at that time. Unfortunately he could not recall what that something was.

‘Just hope that guy doesn’t run into too much trouble. Would hate to lose a tactician like him….’, King mumbled to himself as he continued trekking, a weird sense of excitement building up inside of him with each step he took.

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