Chapter 20.3

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Chapter 20.3

The first meeting

‘Well that’s good’, Devan mumbles out before his attention was caught by the silverette, who’s piercing stare became too intense to not notice.

‘Oi! What’s with the stare?’, Devan questioned Sevan who blinks a few times before looking back at the young male.

Sevan was dumbfounded, baffled and most importantly, intrigued. This was something he had never expected to happen. The son of his greatest adversary in his history with The Order was now the leader of the biggest challenge he faced. It was impossible, unbelievable. After all, he had killed this child years back. Yes he remembered, that faithful day he met A. Devan.

[Flash back]

‘Damn you Anandan! Stop listening to that fool! He’s mad! Mad I tell you!’

A cool smirk forms on the face of the young man who walks out of the Commander in Chief of the SAF and the U.N Special Forces, G Anandan’s, office, the raged shouts from the leader of the Lockhart clan amusing the male more than frightening or causing him to be enraged. This was his second trip within that month alone to his old friend’s office in England but already Sevan knew that he would be getting what he wanted soon. And that was the well-deserved victory in the fight between his forces. The Order and those of Anandan’s and the rest of the broken up world.

‘Soon…Soon it will all be mine’, the low, malicious voice of Sevan echoed through the empty hall way that led to the main entrance, accompanied by the clicking sound of his shoes against the marble floors.

As Sevan neared the main entrance of the large mansion, he spots a light shining from a doorway which was slightly larger then most of those in that palace like place. Curiosity got the better of the man and his feet immediately began moving in the direction of the light, stopping just before he reached the doorway.

What he saw inside as he peeked his head in further added to Sevan’s amusement. The young silhouettes of two children standing in the middle of the room was the first thing that caught Sevan’s attention, which seemed odd to him considering the room was filled with three large statues of the three main deities of the Hindu religion. Each statue could have easily stood 10 meters tall and was decorated in the finest of jewelry, painted to perfection, almost looking life like in their individual poses.

One the right was the Creator, Lord Brahma, a God who had four heads looking in all four directions. He was said to be a wise and revered God, but due to being punished by Lord Murugan was not allowed to have his own temple or place of worship. He wore elegant robes and jewelry, the most outstanding was the crown on top of his four conjoined heads. On the left was Lord Shiva, the destroyer. Shiva, or Shivan, was a lord who was known for his love in music as well as the classic Indian dance. But he was also a God who was feared for his fiery temper, known to cause natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes when he is enraged. He was dressed in his usual attire of a tiger skin cloth that wrapped around his lower body that reached up to his mid thighs. His long black hair let loose behind him but shortened slightly by the mound formed above his head which was said to be the home of Ganges, the Guardian of the famous Ganges Rivers. And lastly at the front of the room stood Lord Vishnu, The protector. His skin was not the same pale brown color of his brothers, but was light blue in color instead. His statue had four of his many arms out and was dressed in fine robes and jewelry like Brahma. Vishnu was known to be a God who had reincarnated many times as various heroes of Hindu mythology to stop the greatest evils that walked the planet. A wise god who was well respected by the people.

Once he had taken a good look at the three statues, Sevan’s eyes fell back on the children. One was a young girl, who looked barely a Decade old. She had long silver hair that reached down to her waist line and a light brown skin complexion, ruby red eyes sparkling with delight as they looked at the young boy next to her who was explaining about the Gods. The boy seemed like an easy going and happy lad from the wide smile that was present on his face throughout his conversation with the girl, having a slightly darker brown skin complexion then her. His hair was slightly curly yet kept well, the light brown shade matching his skin tone. Sevan watched as the young boy continued to explain and tell stories about the Gods to the girl.  He knew who these two children were, one being Angela Lockhart, daughter of Arthur Lockhart and the other, A. Devan, son of G Anandan.

‘Hmm…The soldiers of tomorrow aye?’, Sevan mused as he walked up to the two, clearing his throat to catch their attention.

‘Oh..Mr Sevan’, Devan immediately greets Sevan as he turns to face him, giving him a quick bow and a warm smile.

Angela on the other hand was rather displeased with the sudden intrusion by the man, pouting as she gave him a glare before looking away from him. Her rude behavior merely made the leader of The Order chuckle before his gaze moved back to Devan.

‘Ah, Devan how are you? Still reading up on mythology it seems, hmm?’, Sevan enquired the boy, keeping a light conversation with him to find out more about the son of the legend, G Anandan.

‘Yeah! Still doing a lot of work on that Sir. One of these days I hope that I can become a Guardian to one of the three great ones.’ Devan replied to Sevan with a beaming grin on his face before he looks back at the statue of Lord Vishnu

‘…Hahaha…You…want to be a Guardian?’

Devan’s caramel orb’s blink rapidly before he turns to face Sevan again, confusion written all over his face as his eyes meet his.

‘Uh…yes sir. I want to be a Guardian like my father’, Devan replied, his voice sounding small and meek to the silverrette.

For the longest time Sevan just stared at the young boy, letting his gaze run over him countless of times in a judging manner to make the already frightened child feel even more fear. Everyone knew very well that Devan may have had what it took to make it as a Guardian. But that was only because he was Anandan’s son. To Sevan however the fact that was he was did not matter. Cause now as his eyes looked into those of Devan’s he could not see the spark of a warrior, the spark that would be seen in any being that had what it took to be a Guardian. No, all he saw were to light brown orbs staring back at him, fear and worry running rampant in them. This boy wouldn’t make it, shouldn’t make it.

‘But just to be sure…I better destroy his will…and then him’, Sevan thinks to himself as a mocking grin spread on his face.

‘You? A Guardian? Don’t make me laugh boy. It’d be a miracle if you even became a scout, let alone one who fights as a warrior of god!’, Sevan mocked the child, the grin growing when he sees the hurt in Devan’s eyes caused by the words he had said.

‘SHUT UP!’, Angela yelled at Sevan as she ran up at him and pounded her fists against his thighs, grunting as she got kicked back into Devan which caused both of them to fall back on to the cold floor.

‘You don’t have the will of the fighter. The spirit of a warrior. You are weak! Devan, you can never make it as a Guardian…I suggest you stop daydreaming and come to term with the fact that you’ll always be a failure’, Sevan added before swiftly turning and walking away, smirking when he hears the soft sobs from Devan and the words of comfort from Angela.

‘There goes his will...Now to take him out of the picture completely’, Sevan muses as he walks out of the mansion and gets into his private limo, leaving the mansion and the soon to be dead A. Devan for the time being.

[Flashback: End]

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