Chapter 5.2

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Chapter 5.2

Older to Younger

'Geez's...... that Yukio-sensei's sense of humor is really twisted. I almost felt like I was about to faint when she said that'.

'Same here Elisa-chan, I'm sure that my heart skipped a beat', Rose said as the girls watched their teacher leave the canteen.


The girls turned in the direction of the voices to see their 4 little sisters running up to them. All their sisters where first year students and were doing them proud through their conduct in school

'Maria-Onee-chan is it true you guys finally got a mission', a white haired girl named Sayuri Haganei asked Maria as she sat down beside her.

'Yeah and is it also true that you beat a Giga last weak', A red haired girl named Megumi Takeshi, said as she sat down between Helena and Rose.

'Yes both of those are true', Maria said as she put her arms around Sayuri's shoulders, giving her a quick hug.

'Then what about the one that said you liked King-sama', a blue haired girl named Rei Haganei who was being hugged by Elisa asked.

'Sorry Rei-chan but that one's a lie some idiot spread', Helena replied.

'Awww...I was hoping that one was true. Wouldn't it be cool to have King-sama as a brother-in-law'? said a brown haired girl named Ryoko Takeshi who was getting a quick noogie from Rose

'No it wouldn't Ryo-chan. He's a self-centered, low-grade asshole....I mean he even told us that we had no talent', Maria replied, trying to get her little sisters on to her side.

'What?! If that's the case then The King can go to hell...Nobody says that about my Onee-chans', Sayuri said, pissed of that someone would dare make fun of her older sisters.

'Well I didn't think it was true anyway....after all Maria-Onee-chan likes Rick-Onii-chan', Rei said innocently, still getting Maria to blush though.

'I don't think that's going to happen after the little incident a while ago.....'.

'Huh? What happened Helena-Onee-chan?', Sayuri asked.

'He called Maria-san a bitch', Helena said before Elisa or Rose could stop her.

'Huuuuh?! Maria-Onee-chan! Is what Helena-Onee-chan said true?!', the four younger sisters asked, in chorus.

''s somewhat right.....But in his defense it was my fault for making him fall', Maria replied, trying to calm the three down.

'But say that to you is way too much Maria-Onee-chan! I don't think Rick-Onee-chan is a good match for you either'.

'I agree Sayuri-chan', Helena said giving Maria a haughty look when Maria shot her a cold glare.

'Never mind lets change the subject....How are you girls doing in school?', Rose asked sensing the tension between Maria and Helena.

'Oh ya, we almost forgot! We all got promoted to Rank E! See...', Sayuri said as the girls showed off their yellow armbands and ties.

'That's great! We're so proud of you! Have you showed Mom and Dad yet?', Maria asked, delighted at her sisters accomplishments.

'We just got them today, we're going to show them once we get home'.

'Well then we should hurry up and get home then', Elisa suggested as the girls got out of their seat.

'Don't you guys have training?'

'We have special permission to skip training since we were chosen for a mission', Elisa answered, puffing out her chest slightly, trying to her sisters how cool they were.

'Wow! That means we can go home together right?!', Sayuri asked as she walked beside Maria.

'Yes that's right, and you three can tell us all the gossip amongst the juniors when we get home', Maria said as the group walked towards the main exit.

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