Chapter 13.6

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Chapter 13.6

Judgment of The Cross

The minute he did, dark electric charges filled the air around him. His cold blue eyes changed color to blood red. And a deadly evil aura came off him.

King let out another evil laugh, before inverting the cross and sticking it back onto the chain. He looked at 23 with his blood red eyes, a cruel smirk forming on his face.

‘Now I’m gonna teach you what happens….when you mess with The King’, King said threateningly, before disappearing in a swirl of black smoke and reappearing beside 23.

‘Surprise’, King mocked before thrusting Dentanas into 23’s left side, piercing the scales and the flesh to inflicting a large wound on to the lizard man.

‘Geh!’, 23 cried due to the pain, swiping his right hand at King who vanished and reappeared behind him.

King kicked the back of 23’s right leg at the joint, making the Lizard fall to one knee. Once he was in that position, King brought Dentanas to the side of 23’s neck.

‘Time to die fool’, King said as he brought the blade closer to 23’s, neck pressing it into the scales.

‘Please…Don’t kill me King’, 23 begged, trying to buy some time as he looked for a way out of his predicament.

King smirked, before drawing Dentanas back. He took a look at the shocked face of 23 before walking back to Maria, who had an equally shocked face.

23 couldn’t believe his luck. King had decided to spare him. He had decided to let him live…..He had decided to give him another opportunity to kill him. An evil smirk replaced the shocked expression on 23’s face as he watched King walk away.

‘So….you’re going to let me live?’, 23 asked King, who was now bringing an unlit cigarette to his lips.

King stops walking, turning his head to the left to look at 23. He brought the cigarette to his lips a cruel smile forming on his face.

‘Heh...I don’t remember saying that…’, King said as he lit his cigarette with a lighter that had the Taskforce 666 insignia on it.

As the cigarette caught fire and the ashes began to fall, King turned back towards Maria and kept walking, leaving a confused 23 scratching his head behind him. As he was about to reach Maria, who was looking at him with a worried face, he stopped, turning his head slightly to glance at 23, who had gotten to his feet.

‘Burn….Forbidden move…Judgment of The Cross’, King said as he moved the cigarette away from his mouth and blew out the smoke.

As the ash from the bud fell to the ground, a blood red circle surrounded 23, immobilizing him with its magic. In the circle, two clock hands were moving from the bottom in opposite direction, heading for the Greek number 12 at the top. 23 looked at the hands with fearful eyes, knowing his end would come when they meet. He looked at King with a pleading look.

‘P….Please…Spare me’, 23 begged, his voice and body shivering with fear.

King stopped walking again, turning his head to the left to look at 23. He smiled cruelly when he saw the fear in the lizard’s eyes, the smiling growing even more predatory as the hands moved closer.

‘Heh….Hell no’, King replied as the hands met at the top.

When the hands met hundreds of dark, tentacle like forms burst from the circle, wrapping themselves around 23 and lifting him into the air. Once he was off the ground, the tentacles began moving in different directions pulling the lizard man into many pieces, his blood and guts raining down onto the circle as his cries of pain echoed through the forest. And if that wasn’t enough torment for the now dead lizard man, a huge fire blast shot out from the circle incinerating whatever remained of him, turning everything to ash which was carried away by the wind.

As the carnage ended and the circle disappeared, King took one last glance back at the spot were 23 was standing.

‘Rest in pieces…. fool’, King mumbled before throwing his cigarette bud to the ground and stomping it out.

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