Chapter 10.2

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Chapter 10.2

The master of Earth

King decided to repeat the process of looking for a protruding piece of rock or branch to use as leverage but was unable to find a suitable one. There were small ones sticking out around him, but whenever King tried to step on them they immediately broke of, causing him to swing about wildly as he lost his footing.

King looked up every time a rock gave way, a slightly edgy look in his eyes. And he had every reason to be worried as the break in the branch grew with every sway the King made when he lost his footing. That branch was definitely not going to hold him and Maria much longer.

‘The hell am I gonna do now’, King lamented as he started getting more irate. This was not the way he imagined himself going out.

King looked down at Maria again, who had still not regained consciousness.

‘How the hell did she pass selection?’, King thought as he let out a loud sigh.

King moved his gaze past Maria, to the raging river below. He could roughly tell that it was moving at about 20 to 30 mph just by looking at it. The idea of letting go and falling into the river was rather tempting to The King at that point, but he was slightly worried about what would be underneath the water.

 The raging rapids hindered The King’s view from seeing what was below the surface of the water. The possibility of there being jagged rocks or the water being too shallow was rather high, so King decided not to risk it.

‘Damn! Guess I got no choice but to wait….’, King mumbled, giving up on trying to pull himself up, seeing that the branch was very close to breaking. He stopped all his unnecessary movements and tightened his grip on the branch.

‘Don’t you dare break…..’, King said threateningly to the branch.

He took another glance at the cliff edge above him and then back down at Maria, who was now mumbling some gibberish in her sleep. King sighed heavily.

‘Lord…stop testing me already….’

Ryder was flabbergasted. Did King just jump off the cliff?!

Ryder knew King was trying to save the blonde girl named Maria but this was a bit too much, even for him.

‘What is that idiot thinking?!’, Ryder thought as he defended against a claw attack from the wolf beast man he was fighting.

 The beast men in front of him had dull gray fear, huge claws and muscles, dark red eyes and a tattoo that read ‘No.72’ on the left side of his neck.

‘This is starting to get annoying’, Ryder mumbled as he was pushed back by the force of the attack.

Ryder took a quick glance around him to see that his soldiers were beginning to get an upper hand against the beast men. He looked to his right to see Team Infinity’s Helena Takeshi take down one of the assailants, while her team mates, Rose Takeshi and Elisa Haganei brought the Rhino beast man they were fighting to his knees.

‘Not bad…..Better wrap up my fight as well’.

Ryder plunged his sword, The Truth, into the ground.

‘Elemental move! EARTH RIPPER!’

As Ryder finished his incarnation, a magical seal appeared on the ground. It was in the shape of an X-mark and had many elaborate markings on it.

The confused 72 watched as the seal began growing, stretching under him and beyond. After the initial confusion left him he ran straight at Ryder, attempting to slash at his throat.

Ryder didn’t even flinch when he saw 72 running at him. He closed his eyes concentrating on the movements of 72 with his other senses. Once he felt 72 was close enough, he completed the spell.

‘Activation complete! EARTH LEVITAN! TREMOR 6!’, Ryder cried.

The next moment the earth beneath the seal began shaking violently. 72 stopped in his track when this happened. His heightened senses were picking up something moving underneath the earth. Something big and powerful…..Something alive.

What it was though would remain a mystery to 72 as 8 dirt spikes shot out of the earth, piercing him in the head, chest, arms and legs. He died instantly, but not before shooting Ryder a bewildered look.

‘So this is the power of a Lord’, 72 thought before death enveloped him.

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