Chapter 11.3

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Chapter 11.3

Last meeting

‘Sir I’ve cut a hole in the fence. Just need the final push from you’, Chris reported as he stepped away from the section of the fence he was cutting with a welder’s torch.

Chris had made the cut in a rectangular shape, wide enough for two soldiers to pass through at a time and tall enough that they could walk through at full height. The piece he had cut still stood in place, waiting to be taking out….or kicked down.

Ryder walked up to the cut, examining it for a few seconds to make sure it was cut well. After which, he held his rifle with both hands, the left hand holding onto the grip while the right held on to the barrel, bringing it closer to his chest.

‘Right….Let’s go!’, Ryder ordered before kicking down the fence.


The large piece of steel fell on to the ground with a loud metallic thud. Ryder raised his rifle aiming straight in front of him as he walked through the hole, followed closely by the 10 other soldiers. They walked in until they came up to a small parade square. As they entered the parade square, Ryder took a moment to take a look around the base.

The base was pretty big and had a lot of different buildings and barracks in it. Ryder could tell there was a medical bay, mess hall, five sleeping barracks and an armory. Most of the buildings were colored in The Orders signature colors green and black and had The Order insignia imprinted on them. There were also four sentry towers located at each corner of the base, and two more near the parade square, making Ryder constantly remain on alert in fear of somebody springing a surprise attack from those high points.

‘Alright, Team Infinity clear the buildings on the right. Cobalt clear the buildings on the left…..Go!’, Ryder ordered, the two groups breaking off immediately after.

‘Chris you’re with me. We’ll take the two at the front. Let’s move’.

Ryder and Chris began moving towards the first building, a sleeping barrack. Both their rifles were at the ready as they breached the door.


Ryder stepped in first through the splintered remains of the door frame, doing a quick sweep of the room before beckoning to Chris to follow him.

‘….Just like I thought….empty’, Ryder sighed heavily, shaking his head in despair.

Ryder turned on his comms piece to check on the others.

‘Nothing here Sir. We still have 3 more barracks to check’, Helena reported to him.

‘Empty on our side Sir. Found a good stash of weapons though. We’ll continuing checking, over’, Jeff reported as well.

Ryder turned his comm to silent before turning back to Chris.

‘Well…’, Chris asked hoping there was some good news.



Ryder let out another sigh before making his way to the doorway.

‘Come on Chris. We still got one more room to check’, Ryder motioned to Chris to follow him as he walked up to the other barrack.

Ryder pressed himself against the left side of the door while Chris leaned against the right. Ryder planted the breaching charge on the center of the door, signaling to Chris with a quick nod that he should get ready.

‘3….2….1….’, Ryder hit the detonator button.


The door splintered into a million pieces when the charge finally went off. Ryder moved in a second later, doing a quick sweep of the room as Chris followed him from behind.

‘Clea…..’, Ryder stopped half way when he saw a figure covered by a white cloth lying in the middle of the empty room.

As he moved closer, he saw a pool of blood around the body. A pale arm was sticking out from the cloth.  On the wrist, there was a silver bracelet with the word ‘Palace’ written on it.

It took a moment for Ryder to recognize it but when he did, a cold chill ran down his spine. He only knew one person who ever wore such a bracelet.

‘No….’, Ryder mouthed as he knelt down beside the body, his hands shaking from fear as he moved them to remove the cover.

Ryder slowly pulled back the cloth and as he did, his worst fear came to fruition.


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