Chapter 11.4

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Chapter 11.4

Rise and survive


King woke up with a startle. Another nightmare. They were starting to appear more and more since he joined the I.M. This one was particularly frightening.

King was dreaming that he was in a dark walkway, no light whatsoever to guide his way as he walked down it. And all the time he walked, he could hear screams of pain and distress around him. But what made him feel distress was that all these voices were from people he knew personally and had died in the fight against The Order. But what made him feel fear was the end of the dream. King walked into a large room which seemed to be dyed in blood. And in the center of the room lay Anna in her own blood which was spilling out of three wounds on her stomach, gasping her last breaths as she tried reaching out to him.

King wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead, looking around the damp cave as he did. The first rays of the rising sun were, barely, illuminating the cave, giving it a slightly artistic look as the sunrays shone of the stalactites and stalagmites. He took a minute to appreciate it before moving his attention back to the problem at hand.

‘Damn…..What time is it?’, King mumbled as he looked at his wristwatch

His digital wrist watch read 6.30 a.m., Jan 23. That means he had exactly 12 hours to make it to the base to meet up with Ryder. It would be a piece of cake……if he was alone. But with an injured girl with him and a deranged lizard man probably out there hunting for him, it was gonna be one hell of a walk for King.

‘Better get moving’.

King got up of the rock he had been sitting on the whole night and proceeded to do some light stretches. After which he walked up to Maria, who was curled up on the cold cave floor, to give her a wakeup call.

‘Tits, wake up….’, King said sternly as he stood over her.

‘Mmm….Rick-kun…’, Maria mumbled in her sleep.

When King heard this he closed his eyes and let out a loud, irritated sigh.

‘Tits……Wake. Up…’, He repeated, slower and clearer this time.

‘Mmm…Ah, Rick-kun, slower…..i…’, Maria continued narrating her dreams through her sleep talking, completely ignoring King’s voice.

‘For God’s sake…’, King cursed as he threw his hands up in frustration, turning away from Maria as he did.

King took a minute to get his temper back in check, breathing in deeply and exhaling loudly to calm himself down. After he was sure he wasn’t going to hit her, King turned back to Maria.

He took a minute to run his gaze over her slumbering form. Her hair was a mess, her clothes had still not dried yet and were sticking to her body and whatever little make up she had on was smeared all over her face. In short she looked like a mess. But even though she looked like a mess, King had to admit that she still looked beautiful.

‘Che….’, King grumbled as he kneeled down in front of Maria.

‘Oi….’, King poked Maria on the right cheek as he continued to try and get her to wake up.

‘Mmm…..Five more minutes mom’, Maria grumbled in her sleep, curling up tighter.

‘……Seriously’, King mumbled as he slapped his palm into his face.

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