Chapter 12.9

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Chapter 12.9

Jungle fever

'King...', Maria called his name in an innocent voice, turning her head slightly so she could look at him.

'.....What is it Tits', King asked as he let out an irritated sigh, more or less guessing what Maria wanted to ask him....again.

'Are we there yet?', Maria asked in the same innocent voice, a small smile forming on her face when she saw a vein appear on the King's forehead, letting her know she was successful in irritating him.

'For the hundredth and twenty seventh time....NO!', King yelled back at Maria, who was now giggling.

'Ok Kingy....I'll ask again later', Maria replied in between her giggles, using the new nickname she decided to give King since he refused to stop calling her Tits.

King let out another irritated sigh. Maria's taunting was really starting to get on his nerves. The idea of just leaving her there had crossed his mind a couple of times, but the thought of what his superior officer would do to him if he found out King did that was more than enough to deter him from actually doing it.

Maria on the other hand was enjoying every second of it. After all, it wasn't every day you get to piss of one of the most ruthless killers in the world and live to tell about it. Also, it had given her a chance to find out one of King's weaknesses.....he wasn't very good at composing himself when a girl was near him.

King had tried his best to hide it, but Maria had been able to pick up certain signs to confirm this. For instance, ever since they started their trek there was a small blush on King's face. And every time Maria squirmed on his shoulder, the blush will redden slightly.

After a few minutes of silence, Maria felt it was time to tease King again. Her lips formed into a cruel smile as she began to move her lower legs up and down slightly, making it harder for King to hold on to her and to also make him blush more. And it was working.

'Oi...Stop moving will ya', King growled at Maria as he tried to keep a steady hold on her legs.

'But my legs are so bored....and besides, what problems could come from this, hmmm....', Maria asked in her teasing voice, moving her right leg slightly to the right so the side of her thigh will brush against the side of King's face.

King blushes slightly due to Maria's actions. He takes a second to compose himself, before growling at Maria.

'Quit squirming or I'm gonna freeze you...', King threatened, sending a small ice mist up Maria's right leg to let her know he wasn't playing around anymore.

Maria feels the cold chill run up her right side, signaling to her that she was about to cross the line with her teasing. She immediately stopped her movements, turning her head to the side to give King an apologetic look.

'Sorry....', Maria mumbles.

King hears Maria mumble her apology, making him feel a bit guilty for threating her. Just a bit though, he was still fairly irritated by her behavior.

King let out a loud sigh after a few minutes of silence.

'Why do you like to torture me, Tits?', he asked as his eyes instinctively scanning the area when he heard rustling in the trees.

Maria let out a shocked gasp when she heard this.

'I don't like torturing you King. I like teasing you', Maria clarifies, before moving her legs one more time.

King lets out a low growl again, making Maria stop her childish behavior.

'Fine....why do you like to tease me?', King asked, letting out a sigh and moving his free hand to rub his eyes.

'Cause it's so boring to just walk through this jungle in silence.....also, you look kind of cute when you blush from the teasing', Maria replied, giggling when she felt King's body stiffen slightly.

'Very funny Tit's' King said sarcastically as he composed himself.

Suddenly, King heard more rustling coming from the trees around him. King stopped walking and closed his eyes, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the sound. The sound seemed to be moving, one minute behind him, the next minute to his side then to the high trees.  King opened his eyes and as he did, a cruel smile formed on his face. Maria noticed the smile and a wave of worry flowed through her.

'Um...King', Maria called to him, a worried tone in her voice.

'Hmmm', King hummed, turning his head slightly to look at her.

'He's here...isn't he?'

King is able to follow the sound, figuring out where the hidden stalker was going to pop out from. He looks to the front before answering Maria's question.


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