Chapter 17.4

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Chapter 17.4

King vs Sting

He had now walked past the terrified troopers, who looked slightly relived thinking that the one called King had decided to spare them. But of course, that was far from the truth.

The young soldier merely glanced back at his prey and the feelings of relief left them immediately. For it was clear from the wild look in his eyes that he had already set their death trap

‘Forbidden move…Judgment of The Cross’

When the incarnation left Rick’s lips, a blood red circle surrounded the remaining troopers, immobilizing them with its magic. The soldiers glanced around them, seeing the two clock hand moving from the bottom in opposite direction, heading for the Greek number 12 at the top. They looked at the hands with fearful eyes, knowing his end would come when they meet. And they knew by the look on Rick’s face that it would not be a pleasant end.

When the hands final met at the number twelve, a sinister smile spread on Rick’s face.

‘Burn to Oblivion!’, he says, ending his sentence with a growl

A mere second after he had said his infamous line, tentacle like forms burst from the circle, wrapping themselves around the troopers and lifting them into the air. Once they were off the ground, the tentacles began moving in different directions pulling the troopers into many pieces, their blood and guts raining down onto the circle as their ear piercing cries of pain echoed through the forest. And as before in the Cosmos Jungle, a fire blast shot out from the circle incinerating whatever remained of the dead men, turning everything to ash which was carried away by the wind.

As the carnage had ended, Rick faced forward again

‘Rest in pieces, fools’, he mumbled as he looked up at the sky, before looking straight ahead at the fuming vampire.

Sting was furious. Not only had she let past the leader of Taskforce 666, Crown, walk right past her, but her second rate group of soldiers were unable to stop the Taskforce’s ace fighter, King. She knew that this was not going to sit well with her master. Unless of course, she brought him the head of King.

‘Useless trash…Guess I have no choice but to this myself’, Sting thinks to herself as she began to walk towards Rick, a sense of calmness in her movements.

‘She ain’t afraid of me…either that or she’s hiding it very well’, Rick thought as he dropped Dentanas to the ground, the cursed sword disappearing in the same black smoke it had first appeared from.

‘So King. You’re going to fight me hand to hand eh?’, Sting asked him as they both close the gap between them to about 7 feet.

‘Yeah…Don’t want to mess up that face of yours without first seeing it’, the red head replies as he cracks his knuckles and stretches his neck.

‘Well you won’t have that chance King. Cause I’m going to rip that cute face of yours off!’, Sting yells at him, before closing the remaining gap between them and aiming a uppercut at Rick’s face.

As the fist rushed towards his face Rick swiftly takes a step back to dodge it, watching as it pasts his face and lightly grazes his nose.

The young male let out a low growl as he uses the opportunity as Sting recovered from her missed strike to quickly do a low sweep kick at her ankles. The connect with her right ankle as it passes but fails to hit the left as the vampire strides back to avoid completely losing balance and falling. Rick got back up his feet before charging at the vampire, who was still trying to recover from the slight loss of balance. At the last second he jumps, pushing his right knee forward. His knee connects with Sting’s chest, sending her falling back on to the concrete path. Rick lands a feet away from her, quickly striding forward and kicking hard in the gut. His kick connected with her midsection, slightly cracking two of her ribs and sending her flying backwards a few feet.

The young vampire landed with a loud thud, gasping for air as the wind had been knocked out of her. She rolls on to her stomach, trying to push herself up as she saw Rick walking towards her form the corner of her eyes. But it was agonizing to say the least. Rick’s kick had done slightly more damage than she had expected which even her enhanced healing abilities where finding more difficult to heal. So now all she could do was get on to wobbling legs, staggering forward as she clutched the left side of her body, where her ribs had been slightly cracked, with her left arm.

Rick was charged on adrenaline from his kills and the little fight with the injured vampire before him, a wild look on his face clearly showing he was about to end Sting’s life in a very cruel manner. He began to slow down slightly as he neared the vampire, almost as if he was taunting her to make the first, and probably her last, move. Which as he had expected, came in the form of a straight forward punch, using her arm on the uninjured right side of her body to deliver it.

It was too simple for Rick now. All he had to do was quickly dodge her punch my ducking under and then delivering four fatal piercing strikes to the right side of her body. And as the blood would flow from those wounds, he would then proceed to rip her heart out with his bare hands. That was the plan he was vying for as he prepared to duck.

But just as he was about to, his eyes met with those of his partner’s, Crown. One look into those light brown eyes was enough for Rick to know that his partner had other ideas in mind for the one known as Sting. So instead of going with his initial plan, Rick ducked under the punch, before landing a very hard and powerful elbow strike to Sting’s stomach. The strike was so powerful, that it caused the Vampire to be thrown back several feet, knocking her into the pillar on the right side of the stairway. The impact from hitting the solid steel pillar was so great that it caused the young vampire to be knocked out before slumping onto the ground, alive but motionless.

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