Chapter 18.1

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Chapter 18.1

New to Old

The Guardians. The warriors of the Gods and Goddesses themselves. Each a master of a weapon that is gifted by the one that has marked them. The Guardians were created as a way for the gods to keep peace amongst humans without direct interference. A guardian shares a portion of their God’s or Goddess’s power, some even being able to use all of the power for short amounts of times. This sharing of power with a God or Goddess is what makes the Guardian Type one of the most sought after type by high ranking fighters and various military organizations throughout the world. There were only a few know Guardians, the rest under a classified section of the I.M database which was only accessible by G. Anandan himself. So it was a very big shock to all those gathered at Rakkenhima high school’s main courtyard to see two Guardians at the same place and time.

‘What the matter Old Fool? Too stunned to speak?’, Rick taunted as he let out a mocking laugh, completely enjoying the looks on the faces of not only the Order party, but of those on the Legion as well.

‘I can’t believe it…Rick-kun is a Guardian…Our son is a Guardian dear’, Kinuyo mumbled out before a wide grin cracked on her grin, the urge to go hug and love her son barely being held back by her strong will to maintain her look as a Lady of The Legion.

‘Yes I can see that Kinuyo! I’m not blind!’, Akihiro hissed at his wife, who is turn whacked the back of his head again.

‘Hehehe…Watch your tone with her Akihiro. She’s in a very hyper state now’, Emilia said with a soft chuckle as she watched her two friends before looking back at the boys.

‘Hmm…Doesn’t the other one look…familiar. Like we’ve seen him before somewhere’

‘Yes dear….And his aura. It feels…nostalgic….I swear I’ve felt it before. But I just can’t put my finger on it’, Arthur replied to his wife as he observed Crown who was whistling lightly, as if waiting for everyone to take their time and look at the two before speaking.

‘Cocky brats’, Arisa hissed under her breath even though it was rather clear she was now fearful of the two boys.

The Tyrants were now in a state of shock and loss. As if it wasn’t bad enough that they’re plans to restart the Guardian programs had failed, but now they had found out that their enemies possessed Guardians of their own.

‘This was an unexpected turn of events old friend. How shall we handle this?’, Fujimori asked as he looked over at Sevan.

Sevan furrowed his brow as he looks at the two younglings, his gaze running over their Guardian marks before going lower and examining the rest of their tattoos. As he does, he caught a peak at a tattoo on Rick’s inner right bicep, a slight smile forming on his face.

‘Well, well…You have my number boy’, he said as he points to the number 3 which was imbedded into the skin of the red head, hidden from view from most of the people due to its position.

Rick blinks a few times before smirking as he brought his left hand to his bicep, his palm covering it from view. Once his palm covered it a soft glow emitted from the tattoo as Rick moved his hand along his bicep to the right side of his abs. When he removes his hand, the number 3 tattoo had moved to that spot, letting out a soft golden glow.

‘That’s right Old man. Not as useless as you thought I was huh?!’, Rick replied, giving Sevan a malicious grin at the end of his sentence.

‘The Universal Fighter Rankings. The use of special spirit power based tattoos to mark the top 1000 fighters of the world. Been awhile since I saw such a high ranking fighter’, Jun Hong mumbles out as his eyes move from the Guardian tattoo to the UFR number on his abs.

‘Well that’s cause it’s been a long ass time since you were on the good guys side. You know very well only fighters under the I.M or the neutral countries can aim for it’, Crown reminded the members of The Order, before smiling as he did a fist bumped with Rick

Sevan’s gaze immediately shifted to Crown when he heard the boy speak, a smirk forming on his face when he was unable to see or sense a UFR on Crown.

‘And you boy….Do you have a number?’, Sevan asked him suddenly, stunning not only Crown but Rick as well.

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