Chapter 8.5

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Chapter 8.5

 Furry assist

‘Anna, the observation center’s been set up…..You and Butch go and check everything out’, Ryder said as he walked up to King and Anna, pointing to a makeshift I.M field base behind him.

‘Right, I got it…..King don’t worry yourself to much, ok?’ Anna said as she left.

‘Will do Ma’am…’

As Ryder watched Anna walk off to the tent, he smiled. He had known Anna for a very long time and had never seen her shown such care for a person before. He didn’t know why The King had been the one she decided to loosen up to, maybe because he saved her life, but he was happy she did. Ryder could tell she was a lot more at peace since she met the King.

After he saw Anna walk into the tent, Ryder turned his attention back to The King, who was still looking at the base loading a clip into his ACR. He walked up to him, stopping beside him.

‘Something up King’, he asked

‘…..Something doesn’t feel right Sir. I don’t know what it is….but something’s defiantly up’, King replied, tapping his chest lightly with his left hand.

‘…..You might be right….just wish we could get some eyes into that compound’, Ryder said crossing his arms across his chest, irritated that he hadn’t been given enough info for this operation.

‘Actually…..i already sent someone to take a look inside….’

‘WHAT!?HOW!? That base is surrounded by a security system which can detect any human within a 10 km radius. How did you manage to get someone in before we fired the EMP?’, Ryder asked, completely taken aback by what The King had told him.

‘Well it was kind of easy considering this guy’s size….and he’s pretty darn fast too….also he’s not actually human….Hell! I think it’s better if I just introduce you to him Sir’, King said, looking at a small PDA like device in his hand.

 The device showed a sort of radar on it and there was a blinking dot on it that was moving closer and closer to King’s location. King lowered his hand so Ryder could see the device as well. Ryder watched the dot quickly making it’s way to the center, which indicated where King was standing. When the dot finally reached the center, Ryder began looking around him for The King’s scout. But all he could see were trees, the observation tent and the soldiers, who were about 500 meters away from them.

‘What the….there’s nobody here’, Ryder thought as he turned back to face King.

‘Uh…King, I think your portable radars broken. I don’t see anybo…..’

‘Hey, King! Hey! Hey!’

Ryder heard a voice call out to King. It was very high-pitched, almost like a squeak. He looked around him again, but couldn’t find the source of the voice.

‘Sup Geo…’, Ryder heard King say. He turned back to see who The King was greeting. Ryder looked at King whose was looking downwards. Ryder followed his gaze to see that King was looking at a little fury animal which looked like a very large hamster standing on its back legs, looking up at King.

‘Sir, meet Geo. He’s one of the inhabitants of this forest…..A rodent beast man.’ King introduced the beast man, who turned to face Ryder.

Now that he faced him, Ryder could make out more details. He was wearing a sort of utility belt around his waist and had a black piece of rope tied around his forehead like a headband. He had light brown fur and hazel brown eyes, and was about 45 to 50 cm tall. He looked slightly humanoid with rodent like features, such as a stubby tale, hamster ears and small pink nose, making him look somewhat like a stuffed animal

‘Well um…nice to meet you…uh..’



‘Alright Geo….what do you got for me….’, King asked as he picked up Geo and placed him on his shoulder.

‘Nothing much King…it was more or less what they always did….a bunch of trucks came in the morning and left at night….’

‘…That it?….what about soldiers’

‘Didn’t see too many of em…Oh! I almost forgot….there was this very weird truck which came yesterday, it just left a few hours ago….’

‘What was it carrying…’

‘Not sure King….sorry’

‘Nah it’s cool….At least we know the basic idea of how it be inside the base…..’King said, patting Geo on the head.

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