Chapter 12.4

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Chapter 12.4

Beginning of Carnage

‘So how are we doing this Prowl’,Tank asked with a look of amusement as he thought, ‘probably ain’t gonna matter any ways’.

‘Plain and simple’, Prowl sighed, pausing to give a cool effect, before saying, ‘Kill em all!’

‘Except the girl’, Tank reminded him.

‘…Except the girl’, Prowl repeated as he moved past Tank to address the rest of the Taskforce 666 members.

‘Alright guys, we’re moving in. Get your shit and get ready to jump’, Prowl ordered as he pointed at the side door.

As the soldiers began getting up, the sound of bullets hitting metal could be heard throughout the helicopter.

‘Shit! Prowl their shooting at us!’, the pilot yelled as he began maneuvering the helicopter to dodge the hail of bullets that were being fired from 50 plus rifles.

‘They couldn’t wait for 10 seconds! Bloody bastards’, Prowl cursed as he cocked his rifle.

‘Trophy! Royal! Chain! Provided air support from the helicopter! The rest of you with me!’, Prowl gave out the order before stumbling towards Tank, due to the swaying of the helicopter.

‘Tank! Provide covering fire till we hit the ground then follow after us’, Prowl told Tank as he stood behind him.

‘Got it…’, Tank said as he moved out from his covered position to face the open door.

He cocked his HMG before moving it to hip level. Tank took aim at the first truck, turned to Prowl and said, ‘You might want to step back’, before squeezing the trigger and letting the bullets spray in the direction of the truck.

The impact caused by Tank’s HMG was almost immediate. It only took 52 bullets from the powerful Gatling to make the truck burst into flames, sending flaming pieces of debris flying in all directions. When he saw the truck explode, Tank began moving his HMG in a sweeping motion from left to right, aiming to destroy the rest of the trucks and disorientate the troops.

And it worked just as he planned. The second their lead truck blew up, the troops began to panic. After Tank was able to destroy another one they began freaking out, breaking their formation and running for cover. All except Sting that is.

‘COWARDS! STAY IN FORMATION!’, Sting yelled at her fleeing men, trying her best to keep order while she fired back at the helicopter.

But it was no use. The men were inexperienced on the battlefield and did not know how to react to the situation they were now in. The only thought running through their mind was ‘how do I escape from this,. Nobody was in the right state of mind and didn’t give a damn about the lone vampire, who was making a last stand against the Taskforce 666 members.

‘Dammit! That idiot Arisa gave me a bunch of fucking amateurs to work with?’, Sting cursed as she put a fresh clip into her SMG.

As she loaded her SMG, a barrage of bullets came flying in her direction. As the first few bullets hit the dirt in front of her, Sting’s vampirism instincts took over. She immediately began strafing backwards, slowly at first but gradually increasing her speed.

And as her speed increased, so did her demonic senses. The bullets, which were probably going 100 times faster than a speeding car, could be clearly seen by Sting’s eyes now. She began to reverse her movements, walking straight into the rain of bullets, dodging each one with grace and precision as she moved in the direction of the helicopter.

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