Chapter 19.8

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Chapter 19.8


‘Of course it wouldn’t hurt bad…You’re keeping a low level elemental barrier around the inside of the wound which is numbing the pain and stopping the blood flow…Am I right boy?’

Crown let out a light chuckle before looking up at Fujimori Damien, who had a smug look on his face after having figured out the method Crown had used so perfectly.

‘Yeah…It’s a low level Light barrier…Wasn’t expecting you to figure it out that quick though’, Crown replied to him, the chuckle continuing to resonate from his throat.

Sevan watched the young male as he pulled out the first stake and tossed it to the ground, a small devious smirk forming on the face of the older male.

‘Hmm….well we wouldn’t have been able to figure it out if you didn’t use a light elemental move to get to Angela. That’s what gave you away. At first I presumed that it was a lightning based move but then I realized there were no scorch marks left, I knew it had to be the element of light…Besides it rather suits your personality’.

‘ off, smart-aleck bitch’, Rick cursed under his breath after Sevan had given the explanation on how he had deduced Crown’s elemental move, earning him a ‘don’t blow this up’ glare from Crown, who was now trying to pull out the second stake.

‘Well uh that was very good display of your deduction skills Mister Sevan and Mister Damien. And a error on my part on letting out my secret so soon. Since now you can more or less guess how I was able to do all I did till now’, Crown replies to Sevan as he lightly rubs the spot between the middle wound and the top wound before his hand moves to the last stake all the way at the top of his arm.

‘Yes indeed boy. It’s a very defensive based style in compensating the use of light beams and illusions. Yet can be turned into an offensive style when the same light beams are sent out at high speed at the enemy. It may not cause too much external damage but it can still be used well to immobilize the enemy. This fighting style is the best way to take down the opponent without killing him…..Why would you use this style?’, Sevan asked Crown, suddenly very intrigued by the young leader of 666.

The soft and calm smile that formed on the face of 666’s commander more or less gave away his intentions to the older man, who broke out into hysterical laughter when the realization hit him.

‘Boy! What you are trying to achieve is an impossibility. There is no way that it is going to happen!, Sevan gasped out in between laughs, getting stunned looks from everyone watching him.

‘M-Master? Are you alright?’. Jung Hong enquired, getting no solid response from Sevan who just kept laughing.

‘Sevan? What’s wrong?’, Fujimori joined in, worry forming on his face as the thought that his old friend had finally lost his mind set in.

‘Sir!? What’s so funny?’, Rosin intruded into the conversation, holding on to Sevan’s right arm and shoulder to help hold him steady as he finally calms down.

‘Hahaha…This boy...want’s to end this war the same manner Anandan wanted too! Through peace!’, Sevan manages to pant out before laughing again.

‘Through peace!? Bwahaha…what madness! Even the great General Anandan and the first generation Legion members could not accomplish that!’, Fujimori gawked before smirking as he looked at Crown, who was still looking at the members of The Order with a calm and collected smile on his face.

‘Ha! Expected from a young, foolish tactician. He’s aiming for a goal that will never be reached’, Jun Hong joins in on the mocking, as do the rest of the members of The Order.

‘Fools! Shut your mouths!’, Arthur Lockhart yelled at The Order, feeling irritated that they would dare to mock the ideals of the young male, no matter how ridiculous it was.

‘Arthur…maybe they are right…’, Akihiro whispered to Arthur as he placed a calming hand on his friend’s shoulder, glancing at Crown who was still smiling as he looked at Sevan and the members to The Order.

‘That may be true…But he might pull it off dear, we never know’, Kinuyo gave her rather neutral answer, turning to look at Amelie who she assumed would have a smirk on her face and say how the ideals of the young man were foolish and unrealistic.

But the look that was on Emilie’s face told the orange haired woman that the vampire was thinking of the exact opposite of what she had predicted

‘No…He will do it. I can see the look in his eyes. That boy will pull of a miracle to end this war how he wants to….And I feel our little Angela will play a part in it too dear’, Emilie commented as she smiled softly while watching Crown.

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