Chapter 17.1

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Chapter 17.1

Hell Fire

Fear, adrenaline, blood….He could smell them. The scent of a fight. The scent of his prey.

Rick’s ice blue eyes darted across the faces of his opponent then over to their master, the old man Sevan. And as he looked at the face of Sevan, a cruel smirk formed on his face.

‘He’s afraid of me….He knows I’m dangerous…..Good’, he thinks to himself as he started to stretch lightly, his clothes now going from loose to form fitting as the mass of his muscles returned to their original, bulkier state.

After his light stretch he looks back at the shock troopers in front of him, snickering slightly as he quickly deduced their weaponry, weapons range, armor thickness and armor weight.

‘Too easy’, he mumbles under his breath as he took a step forward, which was met by the troopers taking a step back.

This irritated the young red head. He didn’t mind fighting a weak person but he hated fighting a coward. Especially cowards who tried to make themselves look strong by oppressing the weak, such as those standing before him. He huff slightly as he takes another step forward, clinching his right hand tightly into a fist

‘Cowards! Stand strong and face me!’, Rick yells at the troopers, who were slightly shocked by his sudden outburst.

‘Typical…He’ll never face a poser’, Crown mumbled, mostly to himself, as his gaze passed by Rick.

Unlike everyone there, Crown was the only one who was calm and collected in appearance. He was less interested in the actions of his partner and was concentrating more on the reactions of the crowd from the sudden appearance of the one everyone knew, and feared, as The King.

‘Damn…They really excited about this guy showing up…’, Crown thinks to himself as he looked at the students.

And indeed the students were but being well trained soldiers, they kept their excitement levels to the bare minimum to let King work. But they were still clearly excited and slightly stunned to find out that King was actually a student from their school. And amongst the group of stunned students, was the young Maria Haganei.

‘I don’t believe it’, Maria mumbled for the fifth time since Rick’s secret had come to light.

‘And yet you’re smiling like an idiot. Face it Maria, you like this turn of events don’t you?’, Rose teased, as she lightly poked the right corner of Maria’s wide grin.

Maria blushed lightly as she tried to hide her smile, not doing it very well though.

‘Well…yes…It is rather pleasant. I mean now at least we know he’s not a spy’, Maria replied to Rose happily, clasping her hands together.

‘Yes…But this might cause some problems….’, Helena suddenly stated out of the blue.

‘And what problems might that be Helena?’, Maria asked her, tilting her head slightly as she looked at her with confusion.

‘Well…..remember th-‘

‘Hey hold on a second! I just realized something!’. Sayuri shouted in excitement, interrupting Helena in the process.

‘What is it Sayu-chan?’, Maria asked her younger sister who was now beaming up at her.

‘Well didn’t you say that you kissed King when you left the cosmos jungle?~’, the young girl asked innocently, though something about her tone suggested she was having other ideas.

‘Yes she did say that? What about it Say-‘, Rose was the first to question Sayuri, but stopped mid-sentence when the realization hit her.

‘Oh my god…Maria-chan…kissed Rick-Nii san….’, Rose mumbled, causing a soft gasp to pass over the group of girls.

‘Yes she did! And if she could do that, it means she can definitely ask him out. Right Nee-san?!’, Sayu questioned her sister with an enthusiastic chime, before she blinked in confusion when she saw Maria shaking lightly.

Maria’s body began to shake even more violently as the eyes of the rest of the girls fell on her, all of them wide when they saw her now dark crimson face.

‘I…I…kissed…R-Rick Kun?....N-No…wa-‘, Maria was just barely able to stammer out before she slumped back against Helena in disbelief, a surprised yet joyous look now on her face as she tried to come to facts with what she had really done in the jungle, blushing madly at the thought that she and Rick had so much body contact between them then.

‘Okay…maybe it’s not going to be as easy as I thought’

‘Guys look! Rick’s calling his weapon!’, the excited Elisa cut Sayuri off, causing all of the girls attention to be directed back to the red head.

As the girls eyes focused on him, they could see a thick, black smog surrounding Rick’s right fist. The smog began so spread to the ground, before consolidating into the shape of a board sword.

‘Fall…..Dentanas’, Rick called out, griping onto the hilt of the smog sword.

As his fingers encircled it the smog solidified and began to take shape. What was left in its place after a few seconds was a sword with a dark red hilt and a midnight black blade. The blade was encrusted with three gems, one red, another blue and the last one which was closest to the hilt, green. The hilt itself looked frightening and evil, with a miniature skull carved at the bottom of it and evil looking marks inscribed around it. All is all, it was sword befitting of the title on an unholy weapon.

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