Chapter 7.4

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Chapter 7.4

Mission: Seduce The King ?

 Maria looked on at King and Anna, who were both laughing and talking. She had finished putting up her tent with the others and had come to get a drink when she saw her superior and The King talking. And now they were joking around like good friends. This made Maria feel a bit jealous.

‘Maria-chan….What’s up?’, Helena asked as she walked up to Maria, who was now leaning against a tree.


Maria didn’t even hear Helena. She was too busy giving King a dirty look.

‘Maria-chan…’, Helena repeated putting a hand on Maria shoulder, trying to bring her out of her daze.

‘Huh…..Oh Helena-chan….Sorry I didn’t respond’, Maria said giving Helena an apologetic look.

‘What you looking at……Oh, ‘Him’ again’.

‘I just can’t stand it Helena-chan! I mean look at him. He’s talking to the Ma’am like they’re friends instead of giving her the respect an officer deserves…..And she’s ok with it!’

‘Maria-chan let it go… have to understand that King will get this type of treatment due to his rank. If you’re going to pick fights over such small matters, then we could get demoted’.

‘I know, I know…..I just hate the fact that he’s getting special treatment… what if he’s The King, so what if he took down a third of The Order by himself….i still feel he should be treated normally, instead of being treated like a hero’, Maria remarked as she watched Anna get up and leave, ruffling The King’s hair as she did. King still sat there, turning his attention back to the forest in front.

‘You know I don’t get why you hate him so much?! I mean… don’t even know the guy’.

‘Well…well I…um…I’m just sure he’s like that ok! And besides….You don’t know him either so you can’t say he’s a good guy now, can you?’, Maria rebutted.

‘……Fine. But I still say you’re wrong’, Helena argued, crossing her arms across her chest.

‘Well then…I’ll prove it!’


‘Tonight I’ll try to make an advance on him….He’ll defiantly fall for my sexy body. After which I’ll just make him spill all of his secrets and prove to you what type of a guy he real is’, Maria said, a smug look on her face.

‘I don’t think that’s a good idea….’

‘Look just stay near the bushes a few meters behind him later……I’ll prove that he’s the worst tonight, even if it kills me’.

‘I think it just might’.

As the night approached, the activity in that small camp got quieter in anticipation for the next day. Their superiors had given them a brief on their attack plan after which they had a hearty meal and those who weren’t on watch duty went back to their tents or stayed in small groups and chatted.

 Team Infinity was lucky enough not to be put on night duty. So they rested in their four person tent, talking about Maria’s plan to show The King for who he really was.

‘You really going to do this, aren’t you?’, Rose asked skeptically.

‘Yes I am’.

‘Why are you so sure that The King is a bad guy?! I mean there’s a chance you could be wrong you know’, Helena argued, looking up from cleaning her rifle.

‘Me!? Wrong!? Hahaha…..No way Helena-chan. I know he’s a fucked up excuse for a human being…He’s just hiding it well behind his mask….’, Maria replied, agitation in her voice.

‘Really?’, Rose asked sarcastically.

‘Of course! You’ll see for yourself later….The minute I turn on my charm and sexiness, he’s going to be all over me. He’ll defiantly try to use his status and rank to get me in bed, no doubt.’

‘And how the hell are you going to charm him? I mean it’s not like you bought a sexy dress and high heels along and not to be rude, but even you can’t make a uniform like this look sexy Maria-Onee-chan’, Elisa stated, pointing at Maria’s I.M uniform.

‘Silly Elisa…..when it comes to boys it not what you have on that makes them sweat…..It’s what you don’t’, Maria said, taking of the top-half of her uniform.

‘Ohhhhh……I get it now’, Elisa replied looking at Maria who now had on her uniform pants and boots and a white sleeveless top, which hugged her body showing off her curves.

‘Well……Do I look hot enough now’, Maria cooed, putting her hands behind her head, striking a sexy  pose which would have turned on any guy.


‘I still feel that this is going to end badly’, Rose warned as the girls got up to leave their tent.

Thanks to the portable lights set up outside the darkness of the night was unable to effulge the camp. This was good as everybody was already so scared when it was still bright. The lights were also helpful for the girls to find King, who was still sitting on the small hill-mound. He would have been near impossible to spot if the single light shining on him wasn’t here.

‘He’s still there!?’ Helena exclaimed.

‘He hasn’t moved form that spot since we got here…..I wonder what so interesting that he’s glued over there?’.

‘It doesn’t matter Rose-chan….He’s going to be moving in a while, that’s for sure…..You girls wait by those bushes, I’ll go talk to him’, Maria said as she walked up to him.

‘Now’s my chance to show you as the scum you are’, she thought as she got closer to him, stopping behind a tree to observe him for a few minutes.

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