Chapter 13.4

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Chapter 13.4

Thin line between protector and protected

The sound of claws piercing flesh and breaking bone echoed through the forest. Maria could feel the blood splattered against her clothes and her face. But she could feel no pain. She looked at her right hand, moving it slightly to check if it was because her body was numb that she couldn’t feel the pain. But it moved perfectly fine. Maria stared at it, a confused look on her face.

‘D…Damn it…’

Maria heard a familiar voice in front of her. But it sounded hurt and in pain, not strong and bold like she remembered it. Maria slowly looked up, blinking a few times because her eyes were a bit blurred. What Maria saw in front of her was enough to jolt her out of her shocked state. It was just too unbelievable and terrifying to her.

‘No…NO!...KING!’, Maria cried as she saw King standing in front of her, the long knife like claws of 23 pierced through his stomach.

‘Shit…’, King let out another pained grunt.

King had just recovered from his daze due to 23 throwing him against a tree when he saw that 23 was about to hurt Maria. He only could think of one way to save her at that moment. And that was to shadow port his way in front of her and take the hit himself.

23 looked down at King and smiled.

‘Well, well….looks like you have a soft spot for the girl after all?’, He said mockingly, pulling his claws out of King.

King let out a pained grunt, before slumping to his knees. He could feel his sense getting duller and his eyesight getting blur, telling him he was very close to collapsing.

‘’, King cursed as he looked up at 23.

23 smiled down mockingly at the King.

‘Well looks like I get to kill you after all….and there’s no dumb irritating bitch to stop me this time’, 23 said as he took a menacing step towards him.

Just as his foot touched the ground, a jet of water flew out from behind King and hit 23 in the face, causing him to stumble back. 23 shakes the water of before looking in the direction of the source, to see Maria in a kneeling position, aiming her right arm in his direction with a blue water element mark on her hand.

‘Stay away from him!’, Maria threatened as she shuffled on her knees towards King, her arm aimed at 23 the whole time.

Maria got beside King who was now on all fours trying his best to fight the pain. Maria wrapped her left arm around his waist, tears falling from her eyes.

‘King…I’m…I’m…so sorry. If I was….paying attention…you wouldn’t have gotten hurt…I’m so…sorry’, Maria apologized as she began crying.

King turned his head to the side, giving her his usual cool smile, trying his best to not show the pain he was feeling

‘It’s ok Tits…listen I need you to do something for me’, King mumbled as he looked at 23, who was slowly making his way towards them again.

‘What is it King?’ Maria asked her eyes moving back to 23 as well.

‘I need you to buy me some time….30 seconds to be exact’, King said as he moved his right hand to his wounds, placing it over them.

‘Umm…ok’, Maria began to slowly get up stopping when new pain shot up her leg, making her cringe.

‘You don’t need to get up. Just use your element powers….and stay close to me. I can still put up a fight if the bastard gets too close’, King told Maria as he pressed his arm against his wounds, a black swirl of mist surrounding his wounds and his arm as he did.

Maria looked at the dark mist before looking at King.

‘Ok then…I’ll buy you as much time as you need’, Maria said confidently, before aiming her right arm at 23, the water elemental mark appearing on her palm again.

‘Elemental move…Water spear!’

Once she said her incarnation, a long beam of water shot out of her palm, traveling straight towards 23’s head with a force that was enough to kill a normal man. But of course, 23 wasn’t a normal man.

23 takes the shot head on, barely getting affected by it. He looks at Maria and smiles a cruel smile, showing of his razor sharp teeth’

‘Just 20 more seconds Tits’’ King told Maria, closing his eyes and concentrating on the black mist swirling around his wounds.

‘Ok King…Elemental move…Hydro breaker’

The next spell from Maria caused the water from the surrounding area, whether be it from trees, mud puddles or water vapor, to consolidate into a ball of water which surrounded 23. Maria looked on, knowing it wasn’t going to hold him long as he was already beginning to move even though the water covered him.

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