Chapter 15.9

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Chapter 15.9


As the members of the Legion stepped out on of the building, they were greeted by the site of nearly all of the school students standing on either side of the walk way and cheering for them. The constant cheers of ‘we love you, ‘go legion and ‘Slay The Order’ could be heard from the crowds, which were barely being held back by the school marshals.

The Legion members couldn’t help but smile as they saw the love and affection they were getting from the students. And they also felt a huge sense of pride to see so many young faces, all ready to take over their fight.

The same, however, could not be said for the Members of The Order, who wore scowls and disgust on their face, clearly not pleased by the taunting and booing from mere brats. All except for Sevan, Jun Hong, Arisa and Fujimori.

‘Well then…Shall we begin?’, Sevan asked as he looked over at Fujimori.

‘Well of course my old friend’, Fujimori replied as he pulled out a small rectangular looking device, pressing a small button on it.

‘What are doing?’, Emilia asked as she glanced over, her eyes glowing slightly as she felt a  few peculiar, and deadly, auras suddenly appearing right outside the school.

Sevan laughed wickedly, before turning to look at the now worried faces of the Legion members, who had more or less felt the same auras Emilia had picked up.

‘Oh nothing much~’, Sevan said, just as the main gates of the school building where blown to bits by a large explosion, which knocked down a few of the students standing near them as well.

As the smoke cleared from the explosion, a large group of figures could be seen entering through the battered remains of the main entrance. All of them stood at least 6 feet tall and had on a dark armor which had razor sharp shoulder blades and the words ‘Order shock troopers’ imprinted on the front.

And leading them at the front was the slim and curvaceous vampire, Sting, who wore a black, tight long-sleeved v neck shirt, black combat pants and boots and a dark red trench coat with a hood.  And as usual, her face was covered with a mask, this time one which only hid everything below her nose. Her blood red eyes, darted around as she surveyed the situation, before raising her right hand and clenching it into a fist.

When the troopers saw this, the 20 of them split up into 4 groups of five. Two of the groups went and stood in a straight line on either side of the path way, aiming their heavy assault rifles at the students. Another group went back to the entrance, facing away from the school and standing guard. And the final group followed behind Sting as she walked up to the stair landing, looking up at Sevan and giving a quick bow.

‘Sevan! What do you think you’re doing!?’, Arthur yelled at Sevan, his facial expression showing that he demanded an explanation.

All eyes were now on the leader of The Order. He laughed, at first a soft, calm one which soon became an evil and malicious chuckle. He glances over at Arthur, smiling viciously at him.

‘Well if you really want to know, we’re about to change the tides of this war…starting right now~’

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