Chapter 17.3

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Chapter 17.3


The troops watched the apparition of death stalk towards them, frozen in place by the heavy dark aura they got for him. It wasn’t until they got a rude wakeup call from their squad leader, who more or less screamed at them till they got shaken out of their paralyzed state, that the troopers began to retaliate. They began charging at King again, attacking one after the other to try and deal as much damage while giving Rick a smaller target.

But it was all in naught. Their plan may have worked but due to their large size and bulk, it was all useless. As the trooper charged at him one by one, Rick swiftly and easily killed and mutilated them, his pace not slowing one bit as he passed through the first four troops. By the time he had killed and beheaded the 10th trooper, the rest knew this plan was not working very well. They looked at each other, the fear in their eyes seeming to have multiplied. But this fear was in away helping the troopers, as it made them think. Think on how to eradicate this problem known as the King, on how to kill him.

One trooper seemed to have figure the idea. He drops his sword, pulling out a spear similar to the one the first trooper used. The only difference was that the spear had hidden blades along the staff, which could be deployed by pressing a button at the bottom of the staff part of the spear. The trooper’s idea was simple, attack Rick in the same pattern his team mate had but when he dodged, he activates the hidden blades which would then slice into his neck. And with the thought of watching the Rick’s dying face in his mind, the trooper charged towards him. He aimed the spear in the same way the lance on his comrade had been aimed, hoping to get the same reaction from Rick.

And the young red head seemed to be giving it as he tilted his head slightly to the left to avoid the tip of the spear. But just as the tip blade of the spear was about to pass by his head, Rick’s hand suddenly shot up and grabbed it. Blood dripped from the cut on Rick’s hand but he didn’t seem to care as he just smiled viciously at the trooper.

‘Try to fool me will ya’, he growls before crouching down and lunging at the trooper, plunging Dentanas into the man’s stomach and ripping upwards through the man’s skull.

The trooper didn’t even have time to scream out in pain as he got ripped into two by the cursed sword. Once the body split into two and fell in opposite directions, Rick just walked over the man continuing his march towards the others.

By now there were only 9 troopers left for the young male to kill. But as usual, as the numbers decreased so did Rick’s interest in the fight. So now he didn’t have the murderous look from a mere minute ago, but instead had a look that showed boredom.

‘Well…Guess I better wrap this up’, Rick mumbles softly before letting out a small yawn.

Rick continues to move forward, yet now at a more laxed pace as he saw that the remaining troopers were frozen in fear. This bored the red head who merely walked by them, not even sparing them a glance as his eyes were now focused on their vampire commander, Sting.

‘You’re next’, he mouth the words to her, chuckling lightly when he sees her growl at him.

‘Feisty’, Rick thought as he came to a sudden stop.

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