Chapter 12.5

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Chapter 12.5

Speed and Destruction

‘Fuck! Tank, the vampire chick’s making her way here man, and she doesn’t seem too happy’, Prowl informed Tank, feeling a slight amount of panic now.

‘Can’t kill her, right?’, Tank asked without taking his attention of the now messed up convoy.

‘Uh….No. But I think Crown won’t mind. You know, considering that we’re about to have our blood sucked dry and all’, Prowl answered, a hint of sarcasm in his speech.

‘Don’t worry. I can keep her alive and give you guys an opening to move in’, Tank reassured him as his eyes fixed themselves on the third truck, which was directly behind the blood thirsty vampire.

‘Boom baby’, Tank mumbled before squeezing the trigger.


A third truck exploded behind Sting causing her to lose her concentration, which gave Prowl and his guys the perfect chance to move in.

‘Move! Move! Move!’, Prowl gave out the order as he himself jumped out of the helicopter, which was hovering about 10 meters of the ground.

‘PROWL! YOU FORGET TO HOOK ON TO THE RAPPLEING CABLE!’, Tank shouted to his friend, clutching on to the double strengthen nylon rope in his hand.

‘FUCK THE CABLE!’, Prowl shouted back, before doing a somersault and landing perfectly on his feet.

‘Bloody show off!’, Tank mumbled underneath his breath as he hooked up the rest of the soldiers to their individual lines and gave them a gentle nudge to send them on their way.

Tank continued giving cover fire from the helicopter till the last man touched the ground. After which he hooked up to a rappel line and rappelled down himself, letting the other 3 take over his position of support.

As he rappelled down from the Black Hawk, Tank could see his friend Prowl getting to work. And boy was it a sight to behold.

Prowl was merciless. The second his feet had touched the floor, he had already calculated a plan on how to get the most kills with the least effort.

‘Let’s dance punks!’, Prowl said tauntingly as he aimed his ACR at the nearest group of soldiers, a group of 4 who were trying to hide behind the remains of the second truck.

But Prowl’s reaction was faster than them. He squeezed the trigger twice, letting out two 3 round burst shots in the direction of the fleeing soldiers. It only took seconds before the soldiers dropped to the floor, their deaths coming instantly as Prowl had, amazingly, shot all four in the head.

‘Four down’, Prowl mumbled, mentally taking down his kill count so he could compare it with Tank later on.


Prowl instinctively ducked when he heard the sound of bullets being fired, even though they weren’t coming anywhere near where he was standing. It took him a couple of seconds to realize that the sound was coming from Tank’s HMG.

‘Move! Out of our way!’, Tank screamed as he opened fire on a group of about 10 soldiers who were trying to fire back at him.

Bullets whizzed in both direction, but Tank was prepared to face the ones that were flying towards him.

‘Animal spirit activate! Elephant!’, Tank shouted, invoking his Elephant spirit.

The Elephant tattoo on the right side of his chest began glowing bright green, shining bright enough to even be seen through his thick bullet proof vest and uniform he was wearing. The tattoo began branching out from his chest and covered his whole body, just like any other spirit tattoo.

But the Elephant spirit was special. Unlike other animal spirits, which usually only increase a physical attribute, the elephant spirit strengthened the physique of a person. As the glowing light began to fade, Tank took a quick glance at his body as his skin began to become as hard as diamond, causing the bullets that were fired at him to bounce off like rubber pellets.

‘Hahaha….That ain’t gonna work’, Tank laughed tauntingly as he continued firing at the Order soldiers, effectively killing every one of them with his high powered HMG, as well as causing more damage to the already destroyed trucks.

‘Dude’s taking it way overboard’, Prowl thought as he watched Tank finish of a huge number of the troops alone, barely leaving anything for the rest who were more or less mopping up after both of them.

Tank turned his face towards Prowl, a cruel smile plastered across it.

‘Yo Prowl! Better start shooting or I’m gonna take ’em all for myself’, Tank gave a taunting warning to Prowl before breaking out into mad laughter as the never ending line of bullets from his HMG tore through the fleeing Order soldiers.

‘Yeah, I know, I know!’, Prowl shouted back as he re-initiated his onslaught on the remaining troops.

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