Chapter 20.6

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Chapter 20.6

The Angel and the one of Light

As the transport vehicles of the order pull away, Devan let out a soft yawn to signal to Rick that he was exhausted and that he wanted to leave the premises and go get the lunch that his partner had promised him.

‘Alright, Alright…Let’s split’, Rick told Devan, huffing when he sees the wide smile that forms on his partner’s face at the mention of leaving.

‘Finally. Damn man it was a long day and I just want t-‘

Devan blinks a few times as he feels a tugging feeling on his right sleeve, turning his head in that direction to see Angela Lockhart’s hand holding on to his sleeve.

‘Oh…Angela. You ok?’, Devan asks as he turns his body to fully face the vampire, worry forming in his eyes when he sees the tears rolling down the cheeks of the vampire who had her head down so her hair covered her blood red eyes.

For a good minute Devan just stood and waited, unsure of how to act or if he should even act at all. After all he just caused her so much pain, even though he still hadn’t realized why she had been angry at Crown for blowing her cover. So he just stood there with the end of his sleeve in her grasps.

‘D-Devan…’ The soft, sweet voice of Angela’s pulled Devan out of his thoughts, bringing his attention back to her.

‘Ah…..y-yes Angela?’, Devan replied in a half stutter, a slight amount of worry still in his heart as he looked at Angela who had now stopped crying.

As Devan watched her the sudden feeling of her soft, slender body pressing against his and her slender, yet toned arms wrapping around his neck causes him to let out a soft gasp, before he fell completely into the vampire’s tight embrace.

‘I-I’m so h-happy…that you’re ok’, Angela stuttered out as she buries her nose into the crook of Devan’s neck, taking in a deep breath to get the familiar scent of the man that was the only person she’d ever call friend.

Devan let out a meek cough as a quick, unthought-of reply before a soft smile forms on his face, the familiarity of the hug finally settling into his body.

‘Mhmm…Sorry it took me so long to come see you Angel. But I’m back for you now’, Devan replied to her in a near whisper, his arms wrapping around Angela’s slender waist, pulling her closer as his hands rested comfortably at the small of her back.

Angela was over the moon at this sudden turn of events. Now it didn’t matter anymore if her cover had been blown. After all it was Devan who had blown it. And now that he was here she didn’t care if Sevan was still alive or not. All that mattered was that her one true friend still was. And with that thought the vampire hugged Devan even closer, pressing her soft, toned body tightly against his. The soft gasps that left Devan’s lips made Angela blush slightly before am equally soft giggle left her lips as she lightly pushed her chest out so it pressed even more into Devan’s, just to make him gasp again.

‘A-Angel…you’ve…gotten good at….controlling your strength…It…feels….good ~’, Devan whispered into Angela’s right ear, making the vampire blush even more as she pressed even closer to him.

‘Glad you like it, Devan~’, she replied in an equally soft whisper before gasping in shock and letting Devan go when she heard Rick clearing his throat.

‘You two about finished?’, the young red asks the two, both looking equally flustered as they gave him a small nod simultaneously.

Rick looked between Angela and Devan, a soft smirk forming on his face when he watches the way the two looked at each other. He didn’t know if anyone else had realized it yet, but it was clear to him that the two had feelings for each other. How strong these feelings were would be seen in the upcoming battles ahead of them.

‘Alright. Dev, we rollin’, Rick states before turning to head towards the cafeteria, leaving Devan and Angela alone.

Devan watched Rick walk a few steps away before he looked back at Angela with a soft smile on his face.

‘Well Angel it was great to see you again. Take a few months to rest and recover with your family. It will give you time to catch up with em’, Devan tells the vampire who nods her head in an almost obedient manner as she took a step towards Devan.

‘Ok Devan. But don’t count me out of the fight so soon….’, Angela replied before pausing mid-sentence as she leaned closer to Devan.

Devan was only able to watch with wide eyes as the vampire pressed her soft lips against his, kissing him lovingly in front of the entire school population as well as their parents.

‘I’ll be back for you…that’s a promise~’, Angela whispers against Devan’s lips as she pulls away from them, giving his cheek a teasing lick before running up to her parents, giggling the whole way as she thought of the stunned, red face of her Devan.

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