Chapter 14.5

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Chapter 14.5

Forever my enemy forever my friend

As the three ladies finished their conversation, the sound of the heavy iron doors on the other side of the room being opened could be heard. All heads turned in that direction as the leader of The Order and his Tyrants walked into the conference room.

The faces of all the members of the Legion who were in that room immediately changed to those portraying disgust, anger and hatred. And with good reason. After all….Martin Sevan had been one of them, till he betrayed them all and started the war against the Legion and the I.M.

Yes, the leader of The Order had been a member of the Legion. It was a very well-known fact and it was the main reason why he was hated so much. Sevan was one of the best the Legion had. He was a Brigadier General at age 30, a CORE black beret and the greatest swords specialist from the 68 battalion. And on top of it all, Sevan held the third rank amongst those who had the Universal Fighters Position (UFP), which basically meant that he was the third best fighter in the entire universe. But he threw all of that away and suddenly attacked the old UN.

And now he walks into their domain, a look of confidence and pride on his face. The legion had always wondered if he regretted his decision, if he felt any guilt for betraying his comrades. But after his recent activities, it was safe to say that he didn’t.

‘Martin Sevan. I can’t say that it’s a pleasure to see you again….’, Arthur Lockhart said coldly as he walked towards the traitor, Akihito following him on his right side and Kaede following on his left.

‘Arthur my old friend…why so cold. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other. I think this would be a better greeting’, Sevan replied as he moved closer to embrace his ‘old friend’.

At first it looked like Arthur was going to let Sevan embrace him. But when Sevan was about to wrap his arms around his shoulder, Arthur suddenly grabbed Sevan’s right arm, spinning him around and twisting his arm behind him. Sevan let out a small grunt as Arthur kicked him in the back, sending him stumbling into Jun Hong. As he did, the silver knife he had hidden in his shirt sleeve fell to the floor with a metallic thud.

‘Well, well….how did that get there’, Sevan asked, feigning innocence as he composed himself and looked back at the three men.

Arthur growled lightly and bared his fangs at the treacherous snake standing before him.

‘You dare try to attack me Sevan! I would have carved out your heart and sucked you dry of blood if the conduct code for truce was not in place!’, Arthur threatened him as he took a menacing step forward.

Sevan smirks as he takes a step forward as well, completely ignoring the threat and the murderous glares he was getting from the other members of the Legion.

‘Is it the peace obligations that are holding you back….or that fool Anandan’s words, hmm?’

Arthur’s face contorted in anger when he heard Sevan call his friend a fool. And it wasn’t only him. All the members of the Legion were now on their feet, their weapons materializing in their hands as they prepared to attack the man who insulted their leader.

‘You dare insult Anan-san!’, Akihito blared at Sevan as he materialized his Long sword.

‘Take that back Sevan. Or the consequences will be server ‘, Emelia threatened as she and the two other ladies made their way towards the members of The Order and Sevan.

‘Oh…and what will a bunch of hags like you do, hmm?’, Arisa asked mockingly as she and Jun Hong stepped forward to back Sevan up.

‘Hags!? Why you demonic slut….’ Kinuyo retaliated as she materialized her weapon, a long spear which had a gold dragon carved onto its red body.

‘My, my…what a temper. You should be careful Kinuyo, you could get hurt… you always did when we were younger’, Sevan said in a mocking yet slightly nostalgic way, his sword, Clevair, materializing in his hand as he got ready for a fight.

Kinuyo smirked slightly as she looked at the man dressed in a grey suit who she once called friend.

‘So….you still remember those times huh?’

To everyone’s surprise, Sevan smiled softly as he looked at the ground.

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