Chapter 4.4

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First Mission


The voice of her teacher bought Maria back from her daydream. She looked over to see that Elisa, Rose and Helena were standing by the doorway beckoning to her to follow them.

‘Maria-chan the principle would like to see you and your team so can you please stop daydreaming and get yourself over to his office’, Yukio-sensei told Maria feeling slightly irritated that her top student had been daydreaming.

‘Right away sensei’, Maria replied before getting up to leave.

‘What’s up Maria-chan you rarely daze off during classes’, Rose asked as they walked towards the Principles office.

‘Yeah Maria-san. Don’t tell me your argument with Hana got too you’, Helena inquired, concern in her voice.

‘No it’s nothing…..I was just a bit tired, that’s all’, Maria lied, not wanting to tell them that she was actually thinking about The King.

‘I wonder what the Principle wants to see us for?’, Elisa asked oblivious to the conversation between the other three.

‘I’m not sure Elisa-chan. But we’re about to find out that’s for sure’, Maria said as the four girls reached the Principal’s office.

The Principle of the school was a man by the name of Sarumara Kohaku. He had light blue hair and emerald green eyes. He was a seasoned war veteran and a member of the Legion thus gaining great respect from the teachers and students.

As Sarumara sat at his desk, looking through a few administrative files, he heard a knock on the door.

‘Come in’, he said, without looking away from his files.

‘Principle Sarumara you called for us?’, Maria asked as the girls walked in.

‘Ah Girls. Thanks for coming so quickly’, Sarumara greeted turning to face the girls.

‘So, let’s get down to business….’

‘Before you say anything Sir, i just want to say…it wasn’t our idea’, Elisa said, thinking they had done something wrong and the principle had called them to punish them.

Rose immediately kicked Elisa in the shin, so as to signal to her to shut up. Sarumara just chuckled slightly at this.

‘Hahaha….i didn’t call you in here to punish you, Elisa. No, the reason why I called you here was to assign you girls your first official mission’, he said taking a file out from his drawer.

The girls were elated when they heard this. Finally they would get some field experience.

‘Sir are you serious! We finally get to go on a mission!’, Helena asked just to make sure she hadn’t heard him wrong.

‘Yes I am. Now on to the brief’.

‘You girls will be taking part in a joint ops to take down a Order base in Juranh. The Cosmos base to be exact. We have heard that the base has a good amount of arms and resources, so it will be good if we capture it without destroying anything’.

‘Now girls let me remind you that this is a very important mission and you will be representing Rakkenhima, so I want you to be on your best behaviors and follow the orders from the commander in charge…..Maria this goes double for you’, Sarumara briefed them as he handed the file to Maria.

‘Me, sir?’, Maria asked, a confused look on her face.

Maria did have a short fuse but would never disrespect or refuse to follow a superior officer, in front of him at least. So she was a bit taken a back when Principle Sarumara directed his warning towards her.

‘Yes Maria. This is due to your behavior towards The King during the recent attack of Rakkenhima. It was very disrespectful of you to talk back to him’.

‘But Sir, he was teasing us!.. He was….’.

‘He was just stating what was on his mind. On top of that Maria you talked back to a Lieutenant. Do you know what the consequences could have been if he had reported the incident to the I.M commander?!’.

‘……I understand that Sir. I apologies for my actions’, Maria said bowing her head.

‘Well you can tell it to him personally’, Sarumara told Maria.

‘Excuse me Sir?’, Maria asked, slightly confused.

‘I forgot to mention to you at the beginning. There is a high possibility that the man in charge of this mission will be The King. So if he is, you will apologizes to him personally, won’t you Maria-chan ’.

The words echoed through Maria’s head as her team walked out of the Principal’s office. It was already break hour by the time the girls left the office and now they were heading towards the canteen.

‘I can’t believe it! Our first official mission!’, Elisa exclaimed, holding the mission brief up and looking at it with joy in her eye.

‘Yeah…..can’t believe it either’, Maria mumbled, not so into it anymore now that she found out The King could be there.

‘C’mon Maria-san. Don’t let the fact that the King’s going to be there get you down’, Helena said trying to cheer Maria up.

‘But it does bother me! I mean, he’s already messed up my reputation so much. And now the Principle excepts me to take orders from him and apologizes to him!? No way!’.

‘Well if you look at it that way then it does suck……But how about instead of seeing it in that light, you look at it from a different perspective?’, Rose said, piquing Maria’s interest.

‘What do you have in mind?’

‘Well this could become a great opportunity to prove The King wrong about what he said about us….I mean if we are able to upstage The King in front of professionals then he will have to accept that we’re good, right?’, Rose continued as they walked.

‘Yeah…...I guess you’re right’, Helena agreed.

‘Well why don’t we do it! Upstage The King! Make him look like a second rate soldier! If we do that than The King would have to apologies to us for saying we’re not good enough’, Rose said.

As Maria though about having The King apologies to her and making him look like a fool, a wicked look crossed her face. She would enjoy that for sure, is what she thought.

‘You know what Rose-san. I think this is the best idea you have ever come up with’, Maria praised Rose, as the girls started giggling at the idea of putting The King in his place.

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