Chapter 15.7

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Chapter 15.7

Duty over ones heart

‘And where do you think you’re going?’, Taylor asked as he realizes that Maria was leaving all of a sudden

‘To look for the spy of course’, Maria replied without hesitation as she took her revolver back from Rose, looking at it with a determined expression before holstering it

‘Wait a minute….That means…you’re going to kill Rick?’, Clade asked, a slight smile forming on his face as the thought that Taylor had been able to reel in one of the strongest teams in the school to their side set into his mind

‘No of course not! I’m going to capture him and bring him in for interrogation!’, Maria replied, an irritated tone in her voice.

‘Maria-chan….are you sure you can do this?’, Helena asked her softly as he places a hand on her cousin’s shoulder

‘I can if you’re there with me Helena-chan’, Maria smiled as she place her hand on Helena’s, giving hers a light squeeze

Helena smiles softly at Maria as she nods slightly.

‘You know I am…’

‘You mean we right?’, Rose cut in, her hands on her hips as she smirked slightly.

‘Yes Rose-chan…we’, Helena corrected herself, letting out a soft laugh.

The four girls took a quick glance back at Taylor, who was still fuming as he paced around the wooden floor. Maria rolled her eyes before turning to walk out of the garden, her team following close behind.

‘So….Where to Maria-nee-san?’, Elisa enquired as she fixed her uniform, which was slightly crumpled due to the vines constricting her a few moments ago.

‘The school is completely empty right now. He could be hiding anywhere’, Rose commented as she fixed her tie and armband, looking at Helena who was checking her pistol.

‘Well let’s start searching the clas-’

‘No need Helena-chan….I know where he’s going’, Maria cut Helena off as she took a sharp turn, changing course to the main school building.

‘Maria-chan…This is the route to the main building. Why are we going there?’. Helena inquired, a confused look on her face.

Rose looks at Maria with the same look her sister had on, taping her chin lightly as she though of the reason. As they passed the second academic block, her eyes lit up.

‘It’s because he has allies over there! Maria-chan that’s very clever of you’, Rose complimented her leader, who smiled slightly.

‘Well yes, you are right Rose-chan. The only place in the entire school that Rick would be safe at now is with the members of The Order, or so I think since it’s what I would do. If we can corner him before he reaches them then we got him’, Maria laid out her plan for her team, who listened carefully and took down mental notes on it.

‘My, my, aren’t you a smart girl Maria~’, Taylor suddenly says, stepping out from behind the rows of pillars he was using to trail them.

‘Why am I not surprised….i guess you want in on this huh, Taylor?’, Maria asked, not even pausing to look at him.

‘Well I can’t say that I don’t. But the important thing is that we get Rick Takeshi….Dead or Alive’, Taylor replied, a cold air in his tone especially when he uttered his last few words.

And those words where enough to get Maria’s attention. She turned to face him, revolver raised and aimed at his head. She glared at his, her bright green eyes showing hate and anger in them.

‘Don’t you dare try to use this situation as an opportunity to kill him Taylor! We’re bringing him in alive no matter what’, Maria snapped at the blonde male, who seemed to get the message as he backed off slightly.

‘Ok, ok relax Maria. I only said it as a suggestion. If you want to bring him in alive then we shall do just that. Happy?’, Taylor offered, a smile on his face as he tried to calm down the rampaging woman.

‘…..Fine’, Maria replied before lowering her weapon.

‘Ok then. Shall we go?’, Taylor asked as he walks up beside her, the rest of his team finally catching up to them.

Maria looks back at the council members, then to her team mates and then finally at Taylor. She let out a soft sigh, before nodding as she turned back to start walking.

‘Yes….Let’s do this’

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