Chapter 14.1

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Chapter 14.1

Grand stage 

‘I can’t believe we’re actually going for these stupid war meetings’, Arisa whined as she sat beside Jun Hong in one of The Order’s custom built 10 seated limousine.

Jun Hong rolls his eyes as Arisa continues complaining, starting to get very irritated by it.

‘I mean…Why must we go to the location they picked? Why can’t they come to ours….It would be much easier to round them up and slaughter them’, Arisa said as she laughed cruelly, moving her arms around Jun Hong’s waist and resting her head on his chest.

‘Am I right, Jun Hong- Sama’, the Lilim asked him sweetly as she looked up at him.

The dark haired young man sighed again as he leaned back in his seat, using his free hand to rub his temples.

‘Look Arisa I don’t actually care about this meeting, ok? I’m only going because the master ordered me to and because there is a chance that King may appear. Whatever that will be spoken at the meeting today doesn’t concern me at all….. So can you please stop your whining so I can get some rest before entering the boredom that awaits!?’, Jun Hong replied with an irritated air in his voice, making Arisa’s face drop immediately.

‘Sorry Jun Hong-Sama…’, Arisa apologized as she hung her head.

Jun Hong looks at the now disheartened Lilim and sighs softly.


‘Yes Jung Hong-Sama!’, Arisa replied eagerly as she looked up at him.

When she looks up at him, Jun Hong leans down to kiss her on the lips. He pulls away after a few seconds, leaving Arisa to look up at him with a blushing face, a small shy smile spreading across it.

‘Now stay quiet and rest’, Jun Hong orders her as he strokes her long, soft pink hair.

‘Y…Yes Jun Hong-Sama…’, Arisa replied as she lay her head on his chest and closed her eyes, a satisfied look on her face.

Jun Hong smiles at her, leaning back in his seat and sighing.

‘Finally….peace’, Jun Hong mumbled as he closed his eyes.

‘Finally…..the bitch shut up’

Jun Hong opens his eyes and looked to his front, seeing the four other Tyrants in the car looking at him and Arisa.

Jun Hong lets his gaze run across them. Them being the werewolf Arai Miyoko, the mummy Rosin Hector, Captain Damien Fujimori and the blonde Ethan Schimach.

Schimach and Fujimori were seated on his side of the limo and only threw slight glances at him and Arisa. Arai and Rosin, however, were seated on the opposite side, drinking from the limo’s mini bar. And they both had smirks on their faces as they watched Arisa doze off while laying her head on Jun Hong’s chest.

‘Care to repeat that Arai?’, Jun Hong said threateningly, clenching his right fist.

‘Hey, Relax Hong….i was only joking’, Arai replied, being careful so as to not enrage Jun Hong.

‘Yeah Jun Hong…relax. You got such a beautiful girl resting against you….Wouldn’t want to wake her up now, would we?’, Rosin teased as he drank some wine.

‘Hmph’, Jun Hong huffed before looking at Arisa, who was gripping on to his shirt with her left hand and sleeping peacefully.

‘You look cute together, boy’, Fujimori commented as he took a sip from his lager of beer.

‘Nobody asked you old man’, Jun Hong replied, irritation in his voice.

‘I think it’s adorable…especially since she has a crush on you’, Arai teased, ducking to the left when Jun Hong threw a lighting strike at her.

‘Shut it Arai…I only did it so she would keep quiet….’, Jun Hong retaliated.

‘Oh….and yet you have an arm around her waist and are willingly pulling her close’, Schimach pointed out as he pointed to Jun Hong’s arm that was wrapped tightly around Arisa’s waist, his hand resting on her right thigh.

Jun Hong growls slightly as he looks at the floor, a soft blush on his face. Arai and Rosin were snickering softly as they watched their second in command’s face turn red.

‘Grr….whatever’, Jun Hong mumbled before closing his eyes, bringing an abrupt end to their conversation.

‘Hehehe…yeah. Whatever’, Fujimori laughed teasingly as he looked out the window, the gleaming buildings of Rakkenhima falling into his view.

Arai turns around to look as well, smirking slightly.

‘We’re almost there, huh?’, she commented as she took a sip from her glass.

Rosin nodded as he closed his eyes and smiled.

‘This is gonna be fun’

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