Chapter 7.3

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Chapter 7.3

Influence of The King

‘Alright, listen up! We’ll be making camp here for the night…… Pitch tent and wait for further orders……That’s all’.

The party had found a small clearing to set up camp for the night. They had been trudging for hours on end and had covered at least 3 quarters of the hike through the jungle. The attack on the base was scheduled to happen the next day, when air support and naval support were present. So now they started pitching up their tents, joking and chatting to forget about the tremendous eerie atmosphere around them. They all felt as if they were being watched and a few of them kept glancing around them, trying to spot any lurking attacker. Everyone was on their toes.

Everyone except The King that is. He quickly pitched up his tent before heading to a small hill mound, formed by two fallen tree trunks that were now covered in ferns and other plants, near the front of the makeshift camp, facing the direction of the base. He sat down and just looked out into the trees in front of him, not caring about anything that was going on at the camp.

 And there was a lot happening behind him. Now that the group had finally been able to get some rest time, they’re attention was finally drawn towards The King. All the younger men kept looking at him with looks of admiration, talking in small groups about his accomplishment and greatness. The older men were looking at him as well, but with more respectful looks then looks of admiration. They felt proud and contented that such a young man was risking his life at the front lines for the sake of others, not caring for his own safety one bit. They sat in their small groups, drinking beer and making jokes, as they talked about how good it would have been if the King had shown up earlier.

And the women. The women were acting like all the women did around The King. They were giggling and blushing as they talked about him, shooting him flirtatious looks every few minutes hoping he would respond. He didn’t though but it didn’t matter to them. They kept cooing about him and even started giving inviting gestures the more he ignored them. Some were even starting to get brave enough to approach him, but didn’t as there was still a shy part of them which held them back.

 And while all this was going on, The King remained oblivious to it. He was lost in his own world thinking about the fight waiting in front of him. The blood that his swords were going to taste, the ripping of flesh from bone and the moans and cries of death from his enemy’s that would be heard the next day made him excited the more he thought about it.

As King sat, daydreaming about random things, Anna walked up to him.

‘This seat taken’, she asked as he walked up beside King holding a bottle of bear and a can of coke.

‘Nope’, King replied, scooting to his right so Anna could sit down.

As Anna sat down, he handed King the can of coke. King took it from him and opened it, taking a sip before looking back out at the forest. For the next few minutes, the two just sat there, not saying a word. Anna took an occasional sip of beer waiting for King to say something. But King just kept staring at the line of trees in front of him, a blank look on his face. This intrigued Anna.

‘Something on your mind?’


‘King I’ve know you for 5 years now…..I can tell when you’re troubled’

‘I’m just thinking about some stuff’


‘......The blood bath that’s about to happen tomorrow’.

‘Well that was obvious when I saw you smiling just now……I mean is there anything bothering you’, Anna asked, hoping he would tell her something.


‘King……you have to understand you’re not alone in this…..we’re here for you’, Anna said, putting a reassuring hand on King’s shoulder.

King looked at the hand, thinking about whether he should say what’s on his mind or remain quiet. After a couple of minutes, he turned back to face the trees.

‘I was thinking if it was worth it… know, me joining this bloody war’.

‘…….Of course it is! Countless number of lives have been saved by you. Soldier who were about to be sent to their deaths sparred because you took their place…..King you’ve changed the tides of this war in  our favor!......You’re a hero to the masses’,  Anna exclaimed, trying to convince the King he was not fighting in vain.

‘Heh…..A Hero….’


‘A hero with no name…no home….no bonds, who’s only purpose is to kill. Heh, some hero I turned out to be’, King said as he took another sip of coke.

Anna looked at King with a slightly sad look. She couldn’t reply to what he had said. She didn’t know how to reply cause she could never understand the complicated situation he was in. So she just sat there sulking, trying to think of a way to comfort King. King realized that his words had effected his superior officer in a negative way. Before she could say anything else, King added on to what he had spoken.

‘Relax Ann, It’s not like I care anyway……. Besides I didn’t join the I.M to be a hero…so even if I am hailed as one, it won’t matter to me. I’m here for the thrill of the hunt and as long as that feeling remains, I’ll keep killing…..No matter how many I have to send to hell!’, King said, wearing his usual cruel smile.

‘If that makes you happy King, I got no problems with it’, Anna replied, smiling slightly at The King’s enthusiasm. She ruffled his hair teasingly, before continuing her conversation with him.

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