Chapter 15.1

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Chapter 15.1

Beginning of The End

‘That is absolutely preposterous! How dare you do this Sevan’, Akihiro screamed from the Legions stands over to the Order’s side of the room.

It had been close to three hours since the meeting had started and things where heating up very quickly now that they were on to the main topic of the day, the findings of Taskforce 666 during their recent raid on The Order base at cosmos.

‘And why not Akihiro? It’s an advancement in the field of Elemental Magic. We aren’t doing anything wrong. Only pushing our evolution to a higher level’, Sevan replied instantly, no hesitation whatsoever in his voice.

‘Are you mad Sevan?! You are playing with the power of the Gods themselves. Trying to force a Guardian will have terrible end results as you might have seen in your so called experiments for the good of mankind’, the vampire known as Arthur Lockhart stated as he and the other members of the Legion continued to rebut the will of The Order.

‘Well yes I have to agree that there were a few….complications in the progress to achieving this goal. But they were well worth sacrifices Arthur. We may be enemies my old friend but you have to admit that sacrificing a few pawns to win the game is a well wasted effort am I not right?’, Sevan said with a slight chuckle, making the aged man’s already cruel demurer even crueler.

‘That’s bullshit Sevan. You know very well that this is very different from what you just said. This involves the gods themselves! We cannot have you fooling around with them and causing problems for the already chosen Guardians’, Arthur adds on to his argument, his anger boiling with each passing second.

‘And why not….Those Guardians can be pawns in my Master’s game as well’, Jun Hong taunted, smirking at Arthur as he does.

‘Shut your mouth boy! This is not your place to speak!’, Emilia snaps at Jun Hong, baring her fangs at the insolent runt who dared to try and ridicule her husband.

‘Ooo….so feisty~’, Hector commented as he swayed from side to side, watching the Legion members carefully.

‘Watch your tongue mummy. She’s a Lady of the Legion. You try anything funny with her and there will be consequences’, Kinuyo warned the mummy man as she glared at him, sensing a slightly hostile aura from him.

‘Enough of this needless chatter. Sevan what is your final answer to the question. Will you or will you not stop your experiments to create artificial Guardians?’, Masanori demanded, an irritated look on his face as he was by then sick of this meeting already.

‘And remember…you’re answer determines your fate’, Akihiro added to what his father had said, shooting an intense glare at Sevan.

Sevan lets out a soft chuckle as he scanned the faces of the Legion members, all of which showed clear signs of anger and dissatisfaction.

‘Alright then….we’ll stop the experiments…’, Sevan answered, shocking the members of the Legion.

‘W-What? You’re complying?’ Kaede stuttered out, a look of surprise on his face.

‘Of course. For now at least’, Sevan gave his reply as he looked up at the U.N members.

‘Well….is that a satisfactory answer?’ He asks them, a slight mocking tone in his voice.

The four members seated at the grand stand look at Sevan, all of them having faces which showed disbelief and dissatisfaction.

‘Well…since you have complied. I guess we shall accept it then’, Akemi mumbled as she looked over to her husband.

‘Yes…very well. As per the statement giving by Martin Sevan to stop his acts of testing, we the U.N council will take action to make sure that any and all materials related to the project is destroyed. Do you understand Sevan?’

‘Of course I do lord Masanori. We will send all the data over to you and you can come over to our labs to make sure that everything is cleared out’, Sevan replied to Masanori calmly, a slight smirk on his face.

‘Very well then….with that out of the way, this meeting is adjourned’

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