Chapter 2.5

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Chapter 2.5

Enter: The King

Maria and Helena both went straight after the giant. The Giga turned towards them. It fired a energy beam from its core at the two girls. Both the girls dodged the beam using their speed and continued towards the lumbering giant. Once they were close enough Helena used her elemental move ‘Wind Turbo’ to get both of them up to its chest level. At the same time Elisa and Rose began their attack from behind. Elisa used her Earth elemental powers to trap the Giga’s legs causing it to stumble backwards. Rose used her elemental power Nature to create vines that coiled around the Giga’s upper body. With one precise motion the girls caused the Giga to fall and leave its Core unprotected, which gave Maria the perfect chance to end it.

Maria and Helena saw the Core of the Giga as it began falling back. ’Alright Maria, You have one clear shot to take this big guy down. Don’t miss’, Helena said, a slight warning tone in her voice.

‘Don’t worry. I won’t’ Maria reassured her as she took aim.

‘Special move…..Water spear!’, Maria cried, as a body of water shot out of the ground towards her.

Maria then proceeded to control the water moving it in the direction of the Giga’s Core. As the water shot towards the Core it began forming itself into a spear and hardening. It hit the Giga’s Core straight on taking out the huge robot. The Giga collapsed onto the ground and lay defeated, its spark going out. The girls regrouped on top of it and had a brief celebration for their accomplishment.

‘We did it! We did it!’, Elisa cried as the group pulled in for a group hug.

‘Yes we did Elisa. We beat that big bastered!’, Helena chimed a smile on her face.

‘And it looks like the rest of them have been taken care of as well’, Maria said as she surveyed her surroundings.

The rest of the 4th years had arrived and had done a good job in taking care of the situation. Most of the Order Troops had been killed or wounded and it didn’t look like the 4th years had suffered any casualties. The remaining Order soldiers where making a run for it and celebrations similar to the one Team Infinity where having were breaking out amongst the 4th years.

‘Looks like we won’, Rose cheered as the team walked over to join their friends.

‘Yeah. Our first real fight ended in our victory. The principle will HAVE to send us out for active duty now’ Helena said.

‘Definitely, I just hope the enemy won’t be as easy to beat as this one’, Maria added, causing the girls to break out into laughter.

All of sudden they heard a sound, like a high pitched whistle. Seconds’ later a C41 missile hit the ground a few feet in front of them. The explosion caused all of them to be blown back.

Maria stirred, the shock of the explosion had knocked her onto her back and it took a few minutes for Maria to get herself together. She stood up, shakily, and was shell shocked by what she saw. The Missile had hit a spot where the students weren’t to near by so luckily no one was killed. But she saw that the majority were injured and where trying to regroup themselves.

But what shocked her most was the 5 Giga soldiers walking towards them. She could also see a huge troop of infantry men, a lot larger than the last attack coming towards them.

‘Maria! Thank god you’re ok’.

Maria turned around to see Helena, Elisa and Rose. They all had minor scratches but nothing too serious to put their life in danger.

’Holy shit! That’s a lot of soldiers’ Rose exclaimed as she saw the scene in front of her.

‘I don’t think we can beat that many of them’ Helena said, fear in her voice.

At that moment the principles voice came blaring over the P.A system.

‘All front line troops you are to retreat immediately to the nearest emergency shelter! You are far outnumbered and out gunned. I.M reinforcements will be arriving, so please retreat to the shelter!’

The students hearing the announcement made their way towards the doors of the building.

Just as they were about to reach it, the doorway collapsed from the impact of the earlier missile. The students only exit had been blocked. The students began to panic.

‘Damn it! We’re trapped!’, Helena yelled as the Infinity team came to a halt.

‘Wha...what do we do now’, Elisa sttutered, tears welling up in her eyes from fear.

Maria pondered for a minute. There was not much they could do. So, Maria decided. If they were going down, they were going down fighting. She let out a whistle to get the 4th years attention.

‘Alright guys, we are officially in the worst case scenario to be in. We got an army ahead of us and about 400 students. In a normal fight, retreat would be the best option. But in our case that's out of the question. But that dosen't mean we are going down , does It?! Well, i,m not up for that. So I say we give these idiots the fight of their lives and go down with our pride!’ Are you with me’, Maria yelled, to which a loud ‘Yeah!’ was the reply.

So the students reformed their battle lines. They were all scared but felt it was better to go out fighting then die as cowards.

The Order army got closer. At the front stood the towering Giga Soldiers. Maria saw the Core of the Giga at the most front begin to light up, signaling that it was about to charge. ‘Alright, guys it’s time to do it…….Char….’.

Just as Maria was about to say charge, three Dark beams hit the first three Gigas straight in their cores with such a force that it caused them to explode causing. Flaming pieces of metal rained down on the Order infantry men, who were now the ones panicking. All the students and the Order soldiers looked to see where the Beams had come from. They looked up at the building to see a man who both groups immediately recognized.

The same fiery red hair. The same red tinted glasses. And the same vicious smile on his face as he looked at The Order army in the same way a lion would look at its prey. There he stood. The King.

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