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semi-quick A/N: by the way, this oneshot is written in second-person. So if that really bothers you, I'd recommend skipping this one. This one is also really angsty and might be more of a drabble than an actual fic. (*also slight TW for implied character death, oops*)

I've been trying to work on a few personal projects (as well as some schoolwork I've been procrastinating on) so updates will probably be rlly slow. 


Everything used to be amazing. You tried so hard to be what others wanted you to be. You had so many people that you just adored, and many of them loved you right back.

But one day something happened and everything you once had disappeared. You were devastated, and for the next few days, all you could do was cry. As time went on things got worse, and one by one you lost everybody you loved.

But one person was still there through all this mess, one boy who you loved so much. He was such a joyful person, and he made you so happy. His smile could light up a room.

Sometimes you lay awake at night, thinking about all that has happened. When you really think about it, meeting this boy was a death sentence. Because with the way things were going, you could easily lose him too.

And you don't think you could stand losing him

Horribly Made Skephalo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now