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Date Written: September 20th 2019

A/N: This is supposed to be some kind of alternate ending for -dreamy- so it would be best if you read that first so you understand the story! Even if you already have read it, heck, even if you just read it, it's still nice to have a little refresher.

This one is a bit darker, but since lots of the triggering stuff isn't fully shown I didn't feel the need to add a trigger warning. But, just keep in mind that this isn't gonna be rainbows and sprinkles <3


Darryl's POV


In my dreams, I usually find comfort, as I hang out with Dream Zak in the great blue sky. Sometimes we're laying on clouds, sometimes we're flying either on something or with our own magical wings. Almost anything can happen here...

But right now I don't want to be around Zak, I'm just in a really bad mood. I had just streamed and since it was a bit late at night I didn't want to waste any time before bed.

So now here I was, sitting atop a pastel blue cloud. I hoped that nobody would appear in this dream, and I could just have the night all to-

"Hey, Darryl!" Zak yelled from a few clouds over. With some impossibly high jumps, he made his way to the cloud next to mine.

Of course...


Zak's POV


I had no idea why Dream Darryl was acting this way. Normally he'd be glad to hang out, cuddle, basically any sweet lovey dubby thing I felt like doing. But now...

Is this my guilt? Is my mind trying to guilt-trip me for all the trolls?

"You wanna fly together, or do something," I mumble, bored out of my mind. This world literally has infinite possibilities, I don't wanna be stuck here doing nothing! My patience was growing thin.

"No, Skeppy." he growled, wiping tears from his eyes "I just want to be alone." Maybe since this is my dream I can try and make him say yes? Mmmm, but that would feel wrong.

"Why not though," I flinched as he gave me a hard glare. 

"You know why Skeppy."

"I don't!" I whined, getting up in his face "tell me what I did wronggggg!"


Darryl's POV


I lost control of my anger as I slapped Dream Zak across the face, hard. The small boy was so shocked he almost fell off the cloud, but I wasn't worried about that one bit.

"This is a dream, maybe I can just let my anger out a little bit," I mumbled to myself, earning a frightened look from Dream Zak. 

By the end of the night Dream Zak was covered in bruises. As I woke up I felt a twinge of regret but quickly let it go when I again realized that it was all just a dream.


Zak's POV


It was surprising how long it took for me to wake up from that horrible dream. As I sat up I noticed that I was covered in a cold sweat, along with some tears that quickly began flooding my eyes. It was sunrise and as I got up from my bed to grab a snack a strong pain went through almost all of my limbs. I took a glance at my arms and saw them.

The bruises Dream Darryl gave me last night, right there on my skin. 


Author's Note

I tried to add more to this, I really did. But everything came out terrible and I ended up deleting it. I didn't even know where I was going, so it wasn't too much of a loss.

I hoped u all enjoyed it <3

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