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A/N: This is a royalty AU, hope you enjoy!

And by the way: I got the last names from the website TruePeopleSearch, incase you were wondering. 


Ever since I was born, I was told to do everything as perfectly as possible.

I was told to speak with long words and to use my manners, just like all the nobility do.

I was told to always look my best, and to never eat any junk food.

I was told that I had to do everything perfectly, or else I would not get the throne. But no matter which one of us becomes king or queen, my sister and I both know one thing...

Either way, It will be horrible

"Darryl! You ready for the ball?" my sister knocks on my door as I finish putting on my fancy clothes.

"Yes, Sophia!" I reply, trying to sound as excited as possible. Today Sophia and I were turning thirteen, which meant we would be getting married soon. 

We walked downstairs to the ballroom, barely speaking as we made our way down the stairs. I noticed my sister's hands shaking as she held on to the railing. I could feel myself becoming queasy, as I thought of what the future would bring...

When we entered we were both on a stage, and a few guards guided us to some platforms.  Across from us on the farther side of the room, there was another stage where some of the younger members of the nobility stood. They were in two groups, one for girls and one for boys.

As the Queen and King came out on stage and spoke about the event and what would happen I noticed a boy in the crowd. He wore a dark blue beanie on top of his head, and when I saw his outfit I knew that he had made it himself with the few scraps of cloth he could get his hands on. I stared into his hazel eyes as we made eye contact for the very first time.

"Darryl Newlin, who would you like to choose as your life partner?" my mother asked me, loud enough for the whole crowd to hear. I looked over at the other stage and glanced at the groups of nobility standing there.

All the girls stood confidently, as they pushed against each other, searching eagerly for my gaze. But, even though they were wearing some pretty revealing clothing, I wasn't interested in them at all.

I looked over at the boys, who were all either shirtless or wearing tank tops. Any ones who caught my eye had gazes full of hostility. Many of them were glaring hatefully at the boy my sister chose. The majority of them also looked like they hadn't used a broom in their lives, and that had always annoyed me a bit.

While I was looking around my eyes kept being brought back to the boy in that small crowd. Even though he was dressed in rags, I had to admit that he looked like he would be a much better life partner than anyone else here.

"I-I choose..." I spoke into the mic, looking around anxiously "you! What's your name?" I pointed to the boy in the crowd as he stared up at me, his eyes wide. I could feel my sister looking at me in shock, and my mother and father glaring at me from a few feet away.

"Z-Zak," he stuttered, bringing himself to the very front of the crowd "Zak Archer, your majesty." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my sister doing hand signals.

"Zak Archer, would you like to be my life partner?" I asked nervously "I can choose somebody else if you don't want to do this." Now both the crowd and my family members were even more shocked, normally royalty never asked for somebody's opinion, especially the opinion of someone so unwealthy.

And that's when the gunshots started.


Zak's POV


I could feel hands pulling at my clothes as I was quickly dragged away from the crowd. I took a glance at the stage and the prince and princess were both gone, and everybody else was covered in red.

I ran as fast as I could, to keep up with the ones dragging me along, they were both dressed in all black and the ones that weren't holding me had guns!

As one of the people knocked me unconscious there was only one thought on my mind.

Where is Prince Darryl?


Author's Note


I'll officially decide on a schedule once school starts, but it'll probably be something like one fic every Sunday/Saturday. And if school ends up rlly being terrible, It might end up being once every two weeks. 

But that also means that if I end up making multiple fics during the span of a week (or two weeks), I'll be able to post them later! And that will give room for extra editing, and it will make it so that if I forget to write something one week I'll still have something to post!

For the Gacha video, I have a few ideas that I'd be willing to expand on (I just want you guys' opinions before I start making any kind of outline) :

1: Zak and Darryl are both high school age, and they discover through some kind of disaster that they are both fairies! And they work together to stop murders or something!

2: Darryl owns a massive clothing company, and Zak becomes his assistant. (and it could be like one of those fics, where they don't realize who the other person actually is until near the end!)

Byeeeeee! Imma go eat up some food! <3

PS: I'm gonna make this Gacha vid so snazzy u guys will not know what hit ya <3 So excited <3

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