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I smile widely as I lift up my bag of confetti.

"Confetti!" I throw one handful up in the air,

"Confetti!" I throw another handful, getting most of it in Darryl's hair,

"Confetti!" I throw yet another handful all around the room,

"Welcome to your new home!" I squeal as I fling the rest of the confetti. Some gets on the chandelier, and the kitchen appliances, the couch, and the nearby chandelier, but most of it gets on Darryl and me. I giggle as I jump up and down, happiness and excitement fill me from head to toe. 

"Skeppy," Darryl, the tall one squawks in his adorable voice "you got confetti everywhere!" Without thinking much I dive into his arms, enveloping him in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad your here."


Authors Note:

In this story, Darryl is moving in with Zak, who lives on his own. It's basically supposed to be about the stuff that can happen when you get so excited, that you start doing stuff without much thought.

Hope you enjoyed it

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