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A/N: This is @numptymuffin's suggestion. (as shown in the picture above)

I hope that you either like it or it completely weirds you out because both of those reactions are my goal <3 Thank you so much for the suggestion!


Me and my sister were both waiting in one of the worse waiting rooms known to mankind: the hospital waiting room. My sister was trying to comfort me but nothing was working. Why did I try to cook for Darryl? Was I out of my mind?

"It's okay, Zak," my sister whispered to me "you were just trying to help him relax!" That was the truth, Darryl had been working really hard the last few days so I wanted to take that opportunity to cook something for him. But I still might have blood on my hands, so it's no excuse! 

Before we knew it, we were being called to his hospital room. I stood next to him as he laid there unconscious and breathing dangerously slowly.

"I'm sorry," the doctor told us, playing with her long spaghetti colored hair as she spoke, "there's nothing we can do." I stood next to what soon would be a corpse and decided and hugged him lightly. It felt as if he could die in just one quick squeeze. The doctor left the room and my sister just stood next to the door with tears in her eyes. She was friends with Darryl too and she used to have a slight crush on him, but somehow she managed to stay strong. I stared at Darryl's beautiful long eyelashes and sighed.

"I really do care about you, ya know that?" I told him, doubting the fact that he could really hear me "Back when we were younger I wished that I could be with you all the time." My sibling couldn't hold back her smile. I was a bit thankful that she didn't inform me of the fact that it only happened a few years ago.

"Anyone with brain cells would agree that your a great person, ya know." I rolled my eyes as I spoke to him "In your next life you better stop doubting yourself so much, or I'm gonna get you!" Me and my sister both giggled at my threat. My threat that I probably wouldn't be able to follow through on.

"Ya know, you're so crazy," I giggled as warm tears rolled down my eyes, I held onto Darryl's wrist "but it's your own brand of crazy, so it's beautiful." I burst out into sobs as my sister started shedding more tears of her own.

"I love you so much, ya know?" I planted a kiss on his forehead as I yelled at the unconscious body   "Do you know I love you, Darryl?!" My eyes widened when the boy replied.

"I do," his beautiful olive-colored eyes shone in the bright light of the hospital room. I couldn't believe he was alive. "but I love you way more, ya little muffin!" My sister and I were both crying tears of joy.

"It was the true love's kiss!" my sister cried, her squeaky voice making us cringe.

"Nah, that's too dumb," I smile, glancing at my boyfriend "I'm pretty sure it was our combined amazingness that brought him back to life, wasn't it?"

"Ehh," Darryl scratched the back of his head and mumbled "I feel like I would have had to be much better for that to be even close to-" I interrupted him with a soft kiss on the lips.

"You heard me!" I protest, waving around my finger "I'll get ya if you keep doubting yourself like this, Darryl!" It was at that moment when the doctor ran back in, a few nurses trailing behind her.

"How is he alive?!" one of the nurse's asked my sister.

"This is a miracle!" The doctor gasped, tears in her eyes as she pointed at my boyfriend. Everybody looked at Darryl in awe, everybody was sure he was going to die. But now, his heart rate and everything was perfectly back to normal!

"Yeah, she's right," I whispered to Darryl, holding his hand "you are a miracle."


Author's Note

Right, when I saw this suggestion I was just thinking "they probably expect me to do something that's like, super angsty and tear-worthy." And that's when I became determined to make something that was super duper happy and #amaze instead!

I forgot to add the marshmallow part, but there is a mention of food in there. Also, I was so happy (pun intended) when writing this story, this whole thing just made my day!

I hope you all stay happy and healthy! And remember not to h8 yourselves too much bc you're all superstars destined for greatness <3 <3 <3

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, imma go eat sum sugah!

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