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A/N: They're roommates in this btw (but they're not in a relationship)


"What are you lookin at?" I asked my roommate and crush, Darry Weari. 

That's not his name, but that's what I like to call him in my head. We were both laying around on the couch and he was on his cell phone. I noticed he seemed the opposite of pleased. 

"Just some dumb thing somebody sent me," Darryl groaned, some of his anger seeping into his voice. I looked over and saw what seemed to be a part of a Skephalo fanfiction that somebody had tweeted to him. "It seems like every time I block them, they just come back on their alts." 

When I saw the specific phrasing of some of the words my face went pale. This was a fanfic I had written on Wattpad with a secret account, and somebody else had the nerve to copy and paste a part of it and send it to Darryl! They didn't even give credit!

"At least it's light though," I comment, trying to make him feel a bit better "some of them have stuff that's a lot worse than some snuggling." I shiver involuntarily, remembering some of the bad things I had heard about and gotten small glances of. I hated it when I had to specify that my one-shot book was only going to do SFW suggestions, that was a horrible day.

QUICK A/N: The part above might be a bit exaggerated, don't get offended anyoneee pleaseeee. I personally have never had any bad experiences like what is described (with Skephalo stuff, at least) soooo let's get back to the story......

"Yeah, I guess that's true," Darryl mumbled, putting down his phone and leaning against the armrest. "I just find it weird that they think something like this would ever happen."

"Do you think it should happen?" Before I can stop myself I ask the most stupid question known to man, oh my gosh I am such an idiot. My face heats up as I realized exactly what I said.

"W-what do you mean?" I avoid eye contact as he tries to find my gaze "Zak?" 

"N-no!" I scream, evacuating the room as if there's a fire. I run into my room and close the door softly, leaning against it. 


I stay in my room, doing small pieces of work here and there such as looking at my mail or checking the comments on my videos. But, I don't focus all that much because of the constant worries overflowing my mind.

After a few hours, I noticed that I was getting tears on my computer. I didn't even know I was crying. My stomach is rumbling because I never got a chance to get myself some breakfast. I hear a knock at the door and my heart stops for a moment.

"Zak?" my roommate calls out softly "I have some food for you if you want it." I wiped away my tears, but it still looked pretty obvious that I had been crying when I opened the door.

"T-thanks," I hold back my cries that I'm just dying to bring out. He looks down at me with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay?" his worry starts making me feel guilty.

"I-I'm so sorry," I cry, unable to hold back my tears "I'm so sorry!" He drops the Mcdonalds bag, bringing me into his embrace. After a few minutes of me crying and him hugging me, we finally split apart. After that, I had calmed down a little bit.

"Now, what is this all about?" Darryl questions me, "Why are you apologizing?" After a few moments of silence, I finally manage to answer his question.

"I really like you, Darryl," I confess, rubbing my arm nervously "I like you way too much." I wipe away my tears with my sleeve once I finish talking. My jaw tightens as I see his eyes widen in the corner of my eye.

"I like you, Zak," he tells me "but I only like you as a friend. I'm straight."

And that's when my whole world ended.


Author's Note (I wrote so much so I'm not gonna bother bolding the rest)

By the way, the title is supposed to subtlety reference a blue screen, like on a computer when it crashes.

Sorry if this made you feel really terrible. I might consider making a sequel to this if I feel the need.

Also, the part where somebody quoted a part of Skeppy's secret fanfiction and tweeted it to Bad, that's actually partly based on my own dumb fears. A tiny part of me is always slightly nervous that somebody will copy and paste this onto one of their streams or something and then people will start not liking me bc of it. But, I know it probably won't happen...

Also, I'm surprised people liked the last chapter, I have sort of spent all morning sort of in shock about it. So crazy...


And also, if ur bored like me u can answer these questions:

1: Are you allergic to apples?

2: What's your opinion about the color pink?

3: How do you think you would react if the sun turned green and the grass turned yellow?

4: If a stick and a marshmallow fought to the death who do you think would win? And if you want to do more work: write two small stories. One for if the stick wins and one where the marshmallow wins.

5: Cats, dogs, both, or neither

6: Do you like school (if ur an adult and ur out of school don't you dare say anything about how "education is important, blah blah blah" I do not want to deal with your kind right now! No offense though...)

Final byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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