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The walls were were white, just like the tablecloths and the plates in front of us. We were at a fancy restaurant and I was meeting Zak's family for the very first time.

My parents were here too, but they were too engrossed in their food to even attempt talking to anyone. Lots of time they just couldn't pay attention to multiple things at once. 

"Isn't the weather wild today!" Zak stated nervously. This was my cue to hold his hand, so that's exactly what I did.

"It is pretty crazy," his mom replied, slurping up her noodles in a way that got sauce all over her pretty blue sweater "but not as crazy as your hair is right now." Out of all the things to forget, he had to forget his hair? Well, I shouldn't blame him. I was there too, so I could have given him a heads up!

I glanced over at Zak's sister, worried for both her physical and mental health at the moment. Her face was straight into her boiling hot soup, which she seemed to be slurping up even though she was clearly unconscious. Somethings gotta be wrong with that lady's head, but I'm not one to judge.

It felt like time had stopped right before I finished eating my meal when Zak's mom said those three little words.

"I don't approve," the elderly lady shook her head as he looked upon her with disbelief "it just doesn't seem like he's a good influence on you, honey." Before my mother could successfully enter the conversation, I felt my boyfriend place his hand on my shoulder.

"This guy is an angel within human flesh," Zak's voice sounded more serious than I had ever heard it sound "he helped disabled children, worked for many charities in the past, and he made my life so much better just by being in it. I seriously don't know how he could get any better, to be honest." His breaths were fast, but he managed to keep his voice calm. 

"Awww," I saw as his sister lifted her grimy head from her soup bowl "that's so sweet." Her voice sounded really tired and it didn't make a lot of noises, but the phrase still echoed in many of our hearts.

"That's the truth," my dad whimpered as he wiped his teary eyes with his napkin "this is the cutest thing I've ever seen." I looked over at my mother to notice that she was also wiping tears from her eyes.

"Another example," Zak's mom requested "because right now I'm not feelin all that impressed!" The young boy smiled as he instantly thought of a response.

"Darryl, baby," he looked over to me with a smile "when's the last time you cursed?" Silence filled the room for ten minutes as I thought back. It really was a long way back.

"A few weeks ago," I replied thoughtfully "when I almost cut my arm off." That was a horrifying experience. Zak almost worried himself to death over it, and I still feel bad for it to this day.

"Did he lie about Promise Eight Fourteen," my mother asked us "did he keep restraining those little urges he gets." I swear, I do not binge eat minature marshmallows anymore! Why?! 

"You know I wouldn't lie!" I whined. I actually barely lied in my youth. It always seems to cause some sort of dumb drama in TV shows, so I rather not get involved in something that could get a child murdered. No thanks.

"What's Promise Eight Fourteen?" Zak asked, giggling at the fourteen in the promise's name.

"When my little Derri was small, he always tried to steal my mini marshmallows," I huffed and puffed as the lady told Zak her story "I'm a baker, you see, and I loved using those things in many of my sugary treats!"

"Can you please not tell this story," I whispered to my mother "what if somebody here knows me?" She continued, much to my discomfort.

"Well, in the middle of the night he would always grab the bag somehow," she laughed "always managing to get it from the highest of shelves, just to eat the entire bag full!" 

"Ha," my boyfriend giggled "I guess that's why he's such a sweet tart!" My eyes widened at the comment.

"Sweet tart?!" I frowned in confusion "Where did that come from?" 

"It's cuz your just so sweet," I blushed at his compliments "so kind to everyone you meet!"

"I-I'm not that kind," I studdered, hiding my face with my hands "I have a dark side."

"Yeah, I really felt that when you called me a sandwich," I could see him blush slightly as he thought of all of our previous times together "but I still love ya though." He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on my warm cheek, quickly pulling away since we were around company.

"Mmm," Zak's mother hummed with a small smile gracing her features "I guess I approve." Zak screamed in happiness.

"Thank you!" the boy shouted, putting his hands in the air in celebration. The old lady put a hand up, stopping him in his tracks.

"Just," she mumbled, "don't get married too fast, alright?" Zak gave her a quick nod that could shake mountains before enveloping me into a tight hug.

Before we knew it, Zak's mom was signing the check.

"Thank you so much for the food, the approval, and basically everything." I rubbed my neck as I addressed her. 

"Love ya mommy!" Zak squeaks as he hugs her. I flinch when I hear one of the old woman's bones give off a small crack. But before I could ask about it, I was already pulled away.

As Zak and I got into our car, he gave me a slightly longer kiss on the cheek. "I love you, my little angel," he whispered, playing with my hair as he spoke to me.

"I love you too my little sandwich." 


Author's Note

Wow, that was long. Especially for one sitting, wow.

Btw: I didn't watch the video with Zak's sister in it so I didn't know much about her. So, for this story, I just made her extremely sleep deprived so I wouldn't have to make up much. I hope you all like how I made all the parents. I didn't have much to go off of, so sorry if they're a bit ehhh.

Hope you all have great days! Byeeeeeeeee

Also, PS: sorry if the nicknames and all that stuff are super cringey. 


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