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A/N: Tell me if I forgot a warning! And please don't read this if you think you might not be able to handle it! 


"Stop hurting him!" 

Darryl and I have been best friends ever since we were five years old. We met in Kindergarten, and we helped each other through everything. Even when we had our own battles to fight, we would stop the world in order to heal each other's wounds. 

And since we never felt safe in our own homes or at school, we were almost always by each other's sides. Our parents didn't care about us, but we cared about each other and that was enough.

Or, it was enough...

We're both twelve now, and it seems like my mom hates me more than ever. It seems like she thinks I drove our dad away. But, I see her point. There was a reason why he took my sister and not me. 

"Hey mom," I mumbled, already getting teary eyed "I'm gonna go hang out with Darryl." She was sitting in the living room in the chair that sat right next to the door. But, before I could get out she grabbed my wrist.

"I've made a decision," she growled as she held my wrist tight. Her hair was messy and tangled, and she wiped it out of her face with her other hand. "you're twelve now, it's time for you to get out of my house."

"What?" I squeaked as she let go of my wrist. She slapped me in the face, hard.

"Get a move on," she yelled, giving me a death glare "pack your things and LEAVE!" Before I knew what I was doing I was running back to my bedroom. I only owned a few things, so it didn't take long for me to pack up my backpack and run out of there.

I ran toward Darryl's house, hoping to be able to sneak into his house and talk to him. As I snuck behind the bushes near his home, I could hear his father yelling at him.

"Take the pills!" the old man demanded, shaking a plastic bag full of little white pills.

"N-no," Darryl screamed, stumbling over his words "I-I don't wanna b-be like that!" His parents were both drug addicts and were trying to get Darryl on them too. He doesn't deserve that at all. I watched as his father picked him up and threw him back on the floor. The little boy barely managed to crawl away while his dad was taking the pills himself.

I opened the door quietly, taking some of my best friends weight on with my own. We were both bruised and weak, with no safe place to stay. We stumbled over to an alley a few blocks away.

"T-thank you," Darryl whispered, tears in his eyes, "I don't know what I'd do without you." I stared at the ground, wondering how we could possibly get out of this mess.

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