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Date Started: August the 8th to August 14th (all of this was written late at night btw)

This is the threequel to helpless!


Darryl was above me, smiling with his lovely emerald eyes. His coat was soft and his words were like the soft notes on a piano. Love filled his eyes, and I felt like we were the only people in the world.

We were up in the clouds, the wind blowing gently through my messy hair. When bigger gusts of wind came by, Darryl would have to hold onto his glasses to keep them from falling off.

"I have something to tell you." the boy whispered into my ear. I grinned and smiled eagerly, as he opened his mouth, almost in slow motion and said what he needed to-


"Zak, why did I ever get into a relationship with you?" I woke up to Amanda's harsh whispers into my ear. She sat above me, her gaze on the many wounds she had given me. I gasped as she placed one of her palms on my cheek gently. "I wish it could all just stop." Tears dripped down her face as she began to cry. Her tears hit my bare arms, and she didn't notice that I was awake.

She leaned on me for the next few minutes, sometimes grasping at my shirt as she sobbed quietly. When she finally got onto her feet and walked out of the room, I slowly stood up and walked over to my desk. My hands latched onto my phone, as I brought it back to the comfort of my bedsheets.

And that's when sent him my address.

I should regret this, but for some reason, I don't


The next day I hear sirens from outside and two beefy guys have Amanda in handcuffs. I wake up to Darryl holding my hand with tears running down his face, I notice he has a large cut next to his eye that just barely reaches underneath his skin. The little flecks of dried blood on his cheeks are quickly overwhelmed with a storm of tears.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" I feel amazing, better than I have felt in a while actually! Everything was okay now.

But if it's all okay, why does it hurt so much? 

Do I miss... Amanda?


Author's Note

I see a few ways I could take thisssss, but idk which thing I wanna do!

I could:

A: Have Amanda die, either by the death penalty or from suicide (because she does have some pretty serious mental issues tbh) 

B: Reveal that it was all a hallucination and that Amanda doesn't exist?! (this route interests me a bit, now that I think of it)

C: Cheerios

Sorry I haven't been updating a lot, ive been in a rlly bad funk recently. 

And btw, thank you to all the Skephalo authors! These fics rlly help me feel happy when I'm feeling super down, and I really appreciate the effort all of you put into your stuff <3


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