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Date Written: September 1st, 2019

A/N: This is the sequel to -giantman- <3


I froze when I heard my mother's voice and the wonderful atmosphere this forest had was quickly forgotten. I hugged Darryl's neck tightly as I watched her scream and run away, as many humans did when they saw a giant. 

I looked up to see a frown on Darryl's face. He always hated it when people would run away from him. All of a sudden one of his gigantic tears fell my way, causing me to stumble. I fell off of his shoulder but was quickly caught by my beloved's hand.

"S-sorry." he stuttered, holding me close.

"Look me in the eyes," I told him as I laid on one of his hands.


"It's going to be okay," I reassured him "we'll fix this and everything will be alright." Darryl used his other hand to wipe away his tears. I jumped off his hand onto his shoulder, giving his neck a tight squeeze.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Darry."


Darryl's POV


About an hour later we had made our way to the mountains. I held him in my sweatshirt pocket on the journey, always making sure every few steps that he was okay.

I sat down and leaned against the mountain as I heard some townspeople shouting in the distance. I just hoped that I wouldn't accidentally squish them...

"There he is!" I spotted a crowd of people running towards me, stopping at what was probably a safe distance away. I never know with these humans...

"Give back the Prince, you foul creature!" A young soldier yelled as loud as he could. The crowd had flaming torches as well as farm tools and actual weapons. I looked down at them anxiously. A normal giant would have squished them by now, none of my relatives would have been intimidated by these dumb little humans. (their words, not mine) But somehow, I was.

I could hear Zak yelling at the crowd, but the cries never reached them. He waved his arms and wiggled around from within the confines of my pocket, but they only took that as a cry for help. I pushed Zak deeper into my pocket, whispering an apology as the arrows started coming.

As everybody in the crowd made their little assumptions, I couldn't help but let the tears fall.


Third Person


Everybody ran as massive tears made their way down Darryl's face and onto the ground. They came so rapidly that before he knew it, he was sitting in a puddle of his own tears.

Or, at least to him, it was a puddle, to everybody else it was a pond.

The entire crowd was shocked when they watched the scary giant let their Prince go.


Zak's POV


After giving Darryl my hardest nudge, he lifted me out of his pocket and onto the ground. Me and the rest of my townspeople stood on a hill while Darryl was sitting in a pond, which was quickly growing into a lake. His tears only slowed when he began picking off the various arrows that had been shot his way. 

The crowd that once looked at him in anger now looked in confusion.

"He doesn't mean any harm," I told them in a quiet voice, "he's the most harmless guy I know."

"H-hi." the giant mumbled, using his hand to play with the water below him. I looked over at him, my eyes filled with concern as I stepped closer to the edge of the pool.

"Are you alright sweetie-cakes?" I asked him, earning a few gasps from the crowd.

"I'm fine, you little muffin!" Darryl rolled his eyes as he spoke, "A few tiny arrows won't hurt me." All signs of him crying had disappeared as I took in his pure fabulosity.

"Zak, what am I looking at?" I looked behind me to see my mother with a shocked expression on her face.

"You're looking at the future king, as well as your future son-in-law!" I grinned as we all looked up at Darryl, my specialest someone.

"Well, I was kind of planning to speed that up a bit," he told us, taking a box out of the pocket of his jeans. It was a massive box, bigger than me and my mother combined. He opened it and there was a much tinier box inside. He gestured for me to climb into the biggest box and open it.

My eyes widened when I saw a ring inside the box. I could feel tears threatening to spill out.

"Zak McMuffin, will you marry me?"



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