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Authors Note: Okay, starting this off with a quick authors note! This has been written at 7:12 in the morning. Now you must be thinking: "Wow, they woke up so early!"

Well, your wrong! I just pulled an all-nighter. And before the concerned comments roll in, lemme just tell you that I did this so I would be able to pass out at a properer time tonight. So, it's gonna be all gud later on.

My hands are twitching and shivering like crazy, imma get on writin sumthin crazy. Enjoy. An sorry for any mistakes.


I walk into the room, stumbling on my feet,

Every part of me seems extremely weak.

I cannot handle the emotions I feel inside of me,

all these little things that just won't let me be

I see him, sleeping on the couch with a cut on his eye

I'm sure his tiny explanation was just a lie

I bring him a tall glass of moo juice

Unsure if there's anything bad this could induce

I put it put on the table, right next to my love

and told him a tale of the thoughts I hid above

But what I didn't know was that he heard it all

I closed my eyes knowing this would be my fall

His skin touched me,

His embrace held me,

He loves me,


and that makes me happy


Anuther Authors Note: This sort of turned into sum poem thingy, so, that happened.

Imma leaves now and get sum food. Stay safe ppls!

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