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A/N: This is the second sequel to -gottahideit- !

Hope you all enjoy!


Zak's POV


"shleishlashala," I was sitting on Darryl's couch as he yelled at me, words I couldn't understand bursting from his mouth "Salaba!" Tears ran down my face as I made my guesses and assumptions based on his tone.

He hated me. He probably hated how I was ignoring him, even though I really wasn't trying to ignore him. I just couldn't understand him!

As he spoke his garbles and growls slowly started to transform into static. The lighting dimmed and it felt like I was in some type of horror game. I looked deep into his eyes and saw static. But even though he had no pupils, I could still feel his glare on me.

"D-Darryl," I cried "please stop, I'll explain!" Then all of a sudden he was back to normal, but with that hateful glare still on his face.

"Wsha?!" He demanded answers, intimidating me to my core.

"I'm deaf," I confessed "I can't hear without my hearing aids, but they ran out of charge! Please believe me." I put my hands together as I pleaded for forgiveness for something that wasn't even my fault. 

"You're dead to me." All of a sudden his static eyes were back. I could hear him but his voice had a static-like undertone. His voice was deep and I watched as the background around us faded away, all being replaced with the same static that was in Darryl's eyes.

"N-no," I whimpered, my eyes widening "y-you don't understand, I didn't mean for this to happen!" I shivered as I noticed the deep scowl on his face.

"I understand," he growled, lifting me up by my shirt "and I don't like it!" He slapped me across the face hard and threw me on the ground. He turned his back away from me.

"P-please don't go," I sobbed "I love you!" As he turned his head back to me his next words pierced into my soul.

"Shut up, you freak!"


I woke up in a pool of sweat, instantly noticing Darryl's presence next to me. My breathing quickened as I crawled over to the other side of the bed, successfully escaping his embrace. I brought my knees up to my chest as I shivered, the events of my dream replaying over and over in my mind.

As I remembered the words that my best friend and crush had said to me, I couldn't help but break down.


Darryl's POV


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