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Journal Entry #1

Dear Journal,

I decided to start a journal to sort out some feelings and stuff. But for readability, I decided to make it an audio journal, because what's the point of making a journal if everything in it is absolutely unreadable? Sure, other people wouldn't be able to read it but what if you wanted to look back at old memories? 

Also, if anybody other than me is listening to this stop or I will poop in your shoes! Not even joking.

Soooo, I made a secret account recently. Well, not just one, lots of them. I made one on Twitter, one on Instagram, one on Wattpad, and one on Deviantart I think. You might be wondering, why is Zak making so many secret accounts? Well, they all have one thing in common. They're all used to read fanfiction. And not just regular fanfiction, Skephalo fanfiction.

I know, it's wrong and creepy. I keep hiding behind this name SkephaloLover1400, and it's just really stupid. But, I have no choice. I am completely obsessed with these pieces of shipping fanart and these stories, and I can't possibly view these things on my regular accounts.

One problem is that Bad has been wanting me to move in with him and I really want to say yes. I need to say yes! I feel like it would be a betrayal of my own self to not do it. 

I really need to move out though, so whatever decision I make I need to make it fast. 


Journal Entry #2

Dear Journal,

I learned how to write in some sort of code. Maybe I'll use it for other entries if I end up needing it. After all, I just said yes to Bad's offer.

I'm gonna move in with him.

Oh my gosh, I'm so screwed. But maybe I can make it work, just maybe. 

Ugh, I'm gonna go drink a glass of water.


Journal Entry #3

I just moved in with Darryl! Right now I'm writing in a secret code that I've been practicing for a few days, I'm getting kinda good at it if I say so myself.

It's actually a language where you take the letters in the alphabet and put it all backwards. Like, if you wanna write the world apple your gonna have to put a z at the beginning of it, cuz it's like, backwards.



Journal #4

I'm writing with audio today mostly just because I just wrote like, a really long story. I'm afraid Darryl might be listening in, so I'm not gonna say what it's about. 

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