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(not recommended for younger or more sensitive audiences)


Previously on -twinkie- 

I watch in slow motion as the Cheeto falls, screaming inside my mind. It feels as if I'm losing something bigger than anything I've ever lost before...

I let out a scream as the Cheeto hits the hairy ground...

"Are you okay?" Darryl asks me with concern written all over his face "Did something bad happen?" I giggle a tiny bit at the pun, but sadness still fills my soul...

"I dropped my Cheeto, it's all hairy now!" I cry, ashamed that I couldn't do anything to help it. My roommate pats me on the back and sits down next to me...

I always love the episodes of My Little Pony that feature Twilight and Pinkie, since they kinda remind me of the weird bond my roommate and I share! 

Even though I had to face a pretty big loss on this day, I have Darryl to thank for turning it into one of the best days I've ever had...

---- Back to the chapter! ------ 

Everything was great back then, I didn't know what true pain was.

In the span of one year so many things happened. That might sound like a good thing to you, but it really wasn't.

The company that makes Cheetos went out of business because of something they put into their Cheetos. Nobody saw it coming. Heck, they didn't even have that ingredient listed on the packaging!

After that, me and Darryl's favorite TV show, My Little Pony, went bad. It just wasn't the same anymore. It was as if the writers just forgot about all of their previous character development!

Then, (Y/N) became president of the United States. It worked out decent for a while, but because of their lack of education, everything soon went downhill. To be honest, I feel like somebody forced them to run. In every one of their speeches, you could just tell that they never really wanted this.

Then I was watching one of Darryl's streams, It's as if it was yesterday, thirty minutes into the stream the unimaginable happened. We started hearing weird sounds coming from his mic, it's as if he was struggling to breathe. He was banging his hands on the table and nobody knew what to do. I was out of state at the time, so I couldn't just walk into the next room to see if he was okay! It was the most stressful moment of my life and it got even worse when all we could hear was silence.

Badboyhalo was dead. Darryl was dead. My boyfriend was dead.

It was like my life was over. My life WAS over. I had no motivation to do anything and it wasn't long until I lost my house. Me and Darryl's house.

At one of my lowest points, I considered deleting my Youtube channel.

I didn't.

It isn't what Darryl would have wanted.

After that everything got better! I started recording more and I began streaming every Saturday just like Darryl did! But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't feel the way I did before.

I couldn't feel sad over a fallen Cheeto, after all, it was just a Cheeto. 

So many things changed after these events...

And that was okay


Author's Note

This is sort of based around the fact that a lot of Skephalo fics have been ending recently. Like many of the things mentioned in this story, that's something that is nobody's fault.

Also, I'm so sorry for making this. I've always hated stories that feature character deaths, especially when they have people from real life. 

Sorry for ruining your moods. 


Also, PS: A fruit fly just flew past my face oh why why why 

PS PS: I just added a trigger warning. I know that might make the story not as good for some of you and spoil the biggest part, but I just didn't want to bring back memories for people. I hope u understand why I did it.


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