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A/N: This is the sequel to -royal- <3


Zak's POV


Planning, planning, and more planning. That's all we did for the next few days.

With help from our assistants, we would get sure this event went right. Darryl and I barely got any sleep, and I hated all of it.

We both sat on my bed together, going through documents. Not a day was spent without research. Even if it wasn't connected to the festival at the border, we had to figure out what we would do when we both became kings.

Kings of Hell and Heaven, who would have thought...

Sure, I knew I would have to take my dad's position, but I thought that I would know more. I thought I'd be more confident. I thought that I'd have him around to show me the ropes.

But, now all I have is Darryl. And he's just as clueless as I am!

He is pretty cute though...


Darryl's POV

The Night Before the Festival


I had everything scheduled with my assistant, and he was getting stuff ready in Heaven. All the devils and angels would be at the border at noon tomorrow!

Zak was so glad that the event stuff was done, but I just felt worse. I had noticed he was taking a large dislike towards all the research we've had to do, heck, we barely even had time to talk to each other! 

That's a part of why I would let him sleep sometimes, even though I wanted us to stay up and study as much as humanly possible.

But, it's mostly because of a little habit I have.

When everybody is asleep I walk into his closet, dim the light on my wings, and yank out my white feathers. I always get sure to clean up the blood afterward and the glow from my wings often keeps people from seeing my wounds.

It's the perfect set-up. Nothing could possibly go wrong.


Zak's POV


All of a sudden I was in a cave with my father standing in front of me. I trembled as he glared at me with a fierce gaze.

"You're too good," the man mumbled under his breath "I should have had another child." He shoved me, watching as I fell on my side. He stabbed me in the stomach and left me there to die.

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