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A/N: This is a pony transformation fic (not giving out any other details in fear of spoilers) so if you haven't watched My Little Pony it would probably be more fun for you to just skip this chapter and its sequel. Sorry <3


Darryl's POV


"Hey, Twilight," I was doing some work in my office at the Friendship School when Pinkie Pie slammed through the door. "I made a cake for you! Well, technically it's a cake-pie or a pie-cake, but just cake is a whole lot easier to say and-"

"Do you need anything, Pinkie?" I asked her as she pulled the cake out of her mane to give to me.

"I just need you to try out this pie-cake, or cake-pie, or maybe it should have a completely different name that doesn't make sense?" I looked closely at the baked good and noticed how it a tiny slice was cut out of it to show that there was indeed a pie inside of the cake. 

That's when I noticed what was drawn on the cake with icing. It was a magnifying glass tilted right.

"Pinkie," I gasped, staring at the cake in horror "how, why?" Pinkie put her hoof on my shoulder, getting up close to me. I'm sure that if my desk wasn't in the way she would have gotten closer.

"Come on Darryl," all of a sudden, a whole different voice started coming out of the pink pony, the voice of- "my name's Zak! Not Pinkie Pie, not anymore."


I gasped as I woke up from another one of those dreams. I hate those dreams, they're so weird.

I've been having them ever since Zak moved in with me, and each night they just keep getting weirder. I stumble into the kitchen to find Zak getting out ingredients to make pancakes. I watched as he glided around the kitchen, slamming every item needed into a mixing bowl. 

After a few minutes, he began to slow down as he noticed I was watching him from the doorway into the kitchen.

"Hey Twilight," he told me "I have something to ask you." His eyes looked suspicious as he put his hands on his waist. "Did you give me a tattoo or something?" 

"No," I scoffed at the idea "why would I?" I leaned against the doorframe as I spoke to him. He walked out from behind the counter and came up to me.

"Then how did this get here?" He lifted up his sweatpants to show me his thigh, and on there, I saw three balloons. One was yellow, while the other two were light blue.

It was Pinkie Pie's cutie mark.


Author's Note

I'm super hyped up and I have had ponies on the brain all day. I also built a mini version of Twilight's castle in Minecraft, and I am loving it!

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It's too small to have any kind of interior and some parts (like the door) are made with the chisel and bits mod <3

This is probably just spam for some or a lot of you, so sorry for that! I'm gonna make another chapter that isn't pony related later.

Idk what else to talk about so imma go byeyeyeyeeyyeyeyyeyeyeyeyeye

And PS: Sorry for the shortness of this chapter, the sequel's probably gonna be longer than this!

PPS: This was supposed to go out hours ago but I forgot to press publish! lol

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