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A/N: This is an angel and devil au! And just a heads up, God doesn't exist in this fanfic. The two lead angels and devils are the only leaders. Inspired by Gacha videos and all the other things I <3


Once there was a land of angels and devils. One half of the planet was occupied by the devils and the other half was occupied by the angels. The devils lived underground and on land, taking care of their schools (they're for the humans cuz humans hate school) and their leader. The angels lived on the ground and in the clouds, for their angel wings gave them the ability to manipulate them. They have tons of parties with the humans and they embrace the laws that their leader has given them.

The two leaders created two sons with their essence. Now, the leaders are normally ageless because of their immense power. But, once they have a child the timer starts going down. They always try to teach their kids all they can before they pass, but sometimes things go wrong.

This story is about a time where things went wrong.

It was almost time for Era Fourteen. The Queen of Heaven, Celeste and the King of Hell, Ranger were both getting ready for the ceremony. It was just a couple of days before all angels and devils would meet by the border and greet their new leaders.

They always met by the border, because when borders are crossed chaotic things always happen. One time a group of devils came over to heaven and almost tainted their food supply, and when some angels stumbled into Hell you don't even wanna know what happened. 

But, today borders had to be crossed. Prince Darryl was writing an entry in his journal when he heard his mother scream in pain. He ran into her bedroom and saw her hunched over her desk with her hand on her heart. Her assistant was shaking, looking around for anything that could possibly help their situation.

But, nothing could help. The Queen of Heaven was simply out of time. 

"What do I do?!" Darryl cried, holding his mother's hand as she died "You haven't taught me how to rule, I'm not ready yet!" The young boy watched as his mother's glowing white angel wings faded and his slowly grew brighter than they already were.

"Find King Ranger," she coughed, the light fading from her eyes "he'll teach you what you need to know." It was at that moment when her heart stopped and she faded from existence. All that lied there was a pair of grey wings and a black halo.

"You must go, your highness," the Queen's assistant, Bead, was quick to give him a white mirror "you can call me through this, use the power in your wings to get through Hell safely!" It wasn't long until Darryl had burst out of the castle's window and had begun flying towards the other side of the earth.


"King Zak, there's an angel coming from the border!" Zak, the prince of Hell sat next to his father's throne with tears in his eyes. His dad's assistant, Bellatrix, had already removed his remains and was now doing his best to comfort the new king of Hell.

In a few days, they would have to go to the border and request help, which was a devil's least favorite thing to do. Zak isn't prepared to do all the work of a king, and an assistant can only get him so far.

Before they could react an angel burst into the castle door. His wings were glowing a bright white, with all the power of the purest angel. Everyone thought it was an invasion and the devils could all sense the boy's power.

"This aura, it could only belong to the Queen of Heaven." Everybody had thought. Zak, the new king of Hell just looked at the floor, not daring to make eye contact with the new arrival. He wiped away his tears before he spoke.

"Just kill me already," Zak growled, tightening his wings around himself as he stared at the ground "I know you're going to." Nobody was expecting Darryl's reply.

"Why would I kill you?" Darryl asked, collapsing onto his knees from flying thousands of miles "W-why would you think that?" he panted as his wings went limp, losing a small bit of their intense glow. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw him. He was pale and his cheeks were stained with tears. A crown stood on top of his head, telling everybody that he was the Prince of Heaven. But, why would the Prince of Heaven fly over to Hell?

"What is your business here,"  Bellatrix the assistant held onto Zak's shoulder, prepared to protect him from harm. Now that the King was gone she couldn't risk losing him too!

"I-I'm looking for the King," Darryl studdered, fidgeting with the sleeves of his shirt "b-because Queen Celeste, she passed away and-"

"What," Zak's face paled at the news "your saying that both the King and the Queen are... gone?"  


Author's Note

Tell me what you think about this AU down in the comments below!

Byeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeeyeyeyeye, see u laterssssssssssssssssss

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