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I was just looking around at my notifications and on my story just now, freaking out about how many votes and stuff I've been getting. Like, seriously, it's insane!

Then I saw on the side I saw a button which led to this page. (shown in the screenshot above)

I just added arrows to the most shocking ones, but to be honest all of this is so crazy...

I know I don't usually like making chapters that are just authors notes, but I just had to you guys/girls/nons!

So, now, I gotta say thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so much for giving me all this attention I don't deserve!

But now, I really gotta ask:

Are you all out of your minds?!

Like seriously...

Ok, I gotta go calm down. Gotta go drink some milk or water or something.

Everybody, everybody have amazing days and nights. And months, and years, and decades, and centuries, and eternities. Because you all deserve it!

Bye <3

Horribly Made Skephalo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now